The comments on that article make me furious with rage. Except for the one by that handsom guy in the helmet.
I never realized how spoiled I am by my selective internet interactions until I venture out into the great wide world and read things like this.
The urge to punch that Kevin Cotton guy in the face is nearly overwhelming. I never realized how oppressed I was as a healthy white middle class man. All this time those evil brown families have been scheming to use my tax dollars to try and improve the quality of life for their kids, instead of letting me invest it in vacations and expensive sunglasses. Bastards. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people like this? I'm as cynical and selfish as the next guy, except when the next guy is a barely concealed racist fuckhead with 0 compassion. Keep up the good work Raul.
Don't let jordan_paul hear you. Raul - still need donations? I can prob chip some this weekend and some more next thurs.
Thought i would drop this here since its the closest relevant thread, that, and I would like to hear what Hotwheelz has to say about it. I went to school with this kid, sadly I never interacted with him much (I was a grade ahead of him). The people I know that knew him spoke highly of him though. Just seeing what everyone's opinion on this kind of thing would be. The Dan Crews Story
Hey guys, this is what I've been working on for the past couple of days. I wanted to share it with you and I hope that you like it. Send it to everyone you know and even everyone you don't know. If you know of any blogs that might be interested in running it please feel free to send it to them. They don't have to be big right now just trying to get it out to as many people as possible.
thank you to the bossman for putting this back up. People have been asking me what they can do to help and in the past I didn't really know what to tell them, but I do now. We're having a rally right at the Medi-cal office on Friday and we're going to be joined by congressman Bob Filner. That doesn't mean that we won or anything, but it's a start. The main thing you can do right now is help me spread these videos around. Post them on your facebook, twitter, reddit, any forum that you have. Obviously don't spam, but don't be afraid to put them out there. This is now much bigger than me, so hopefully it works out. By the way, don't be afraid to send the video to any blogs or news websites. It doesn't matter how big or small they are, if you think they might want to write about it then feel free.
For those of you that can't make it tomorrow you can the watch live stream at one of these two links: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Hey guys, I'm coming up on crunch time right now. On Monday my private insurance runs out and I'll be cut to 11 hours of nursing a day. Thanks to your donations I'm going to be able to keep one of my nurses for one month, which gives me a little time to keep working on this. If you haven't seen all the media coverage that we've gotten check out this link: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> People have always asked me how they can help and I didn't really know the answer before, but now I do. If you want to donate money that's great, you can send it to my Paypal I know a few of you have sent me checks and that also is awesome. I know I haven't been great at getting back to you with that so I apologize, but just know that I do appreciate it and every little bit helps. However, I know times are tough for everyone so you might not be able to donate money and that's fine. You can still help by posting the videos on twitter, reddit, facebook, email, really any way you have of reaching people. If you want to send emails to the media or any contacts that you might have please feel free. Don't hesitate to give them my email so that they can contact me. What we are trying to do is put as much pressure on Gov Jerry Brown and DCHS director Toby Douglas to place me in the acute level of care. On Monday we are going to have another protest so if you're in the San Diego area please contact me for more information if you want to come down. If you're not in the area, you'll still be able to help. We are going to have everyone contact Jerry Brown by phone. So if you're around and want to help all you need to do is make a quick phone call. Please don't hesitate to contact me I may not always respond but I do read all of your messages. Thank you for everything.
Wheelz, congrats, they did a piece on you tonight on channel 8. I think they featured you in a good light, hopefully the local media attention helps you.
Thanks dude. It was pretty fucking hectic, we nearly got arrested and I had to think on my feet (yes I went there). we also got on NBC and FOX, so now it's just a matter of turning that attention into something bigger. We actually did get through to someone at the Governor's office and they asked us to set up an appointment. I'll post all the videos tomorrow so that you guys can see what happened.
That sounds great, it seems like youre making tangible progress. Btw, if they arrested you that could have potentially helped you out. Imagine the media attention if they tried to detain you.
if they detained you, they would have to take your nurse also, right? Then maybe they would see how much you need the round the clock care. This shit is ridiculous. I hope if the situation doesn't improve, you get a wheel chair with monster truck tires, and run some people over.
No, they threatened to separate me and my friend and take me to the jail infirmary, I should have called their bluff.
I guess next time you're protesting call their bluff and see how it goes. I imagine the cops detaining you wouldn't look great. If they do that, be sure there's someone to tape it. I think that would work out to be a win for you.
Alright, we spent all weekend redoing the website. Check it out. Also, if you want to help send me a pm.