I wanted to let y'all know that this past Wednesday, Raul was admitted to the hospital with early stages of pneumonia. He's okay now and back at home, though he remains super busy with his internship. His sickness started on the 12th. There were complications, and even the very beginning stages were dangerous since his nursing hours have been cut and his dad isn't completely capable of taking care of him in the between times that the nurses are on duty. You can read more about all this stuff on his blog, http://raulcarranza.org/category/stop-the-cuts/. A lot of stuff is happening these days with him and I figured I'd give those of you who care about what is happening in his life a heads up!
After a bit of a hiatus, here's the next blog. Bonus points for anyone that gets the music reference in the title. Be sure to leave a comment on the page if you like it and share it with your friends. Click for boobs
Wherein I show off my art skills <a class="postlink" href="http://raulcarranza.org/?p=688" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://raulcarranza.org/?p=688</a>