Day drinking started with good intentions but ended with a walk to Taco Bell and a nap several hours ago. I am currently in bed, in the dark, watching Always Sunny, and weighing the pros and cons of returning phone calls and going out. I have the sort of drymouth, skull splitting migraine that makes me loathe day drinking to begin with and a few drinks may make it disappear but it will surely return bigger and stronger come morning time. In fact, I'm just going to shake the magic 8ball and save myself the pain of thought. On my baby Boston Whaler last summer -
Pregaming for tomorrow starts now. Monon Bell game This great rivalry spawned awesome pranks like this: Depauw Swallows
Seeing as I'm on the downhill side of life, let me shed some light on this subject... Bear in mind this is legal in Mississippi, but not among civilized human beings. Plant an acre or so of corn and just before deer season opens, bush hog it. Also lay out 3 or 4 salt licks. It's like shooting fish in a barrell. As a bonus it also brings in all sorts of wild turkeys. Try that shit up here in Idaho and the game warden will butt fuck you, and not in a pleasant way. I've never shot a Missississippi deer, those critters are another of God's practical jokes on southerners. They taste like hell and they look like the dog with antlers strapped to his head in The Grinch that Stole Christmas. Seriously. Picture an anorexic German Shepard with a rack. Thank God I'm back in Idaho for a bit and I've gotten to eat some good venison aagain.
I just drove through downtown at the heart of bar hour. Jesus. Horned rim glasses and plum smuggling jeans everywhere. Hipster is the new cool look? These people should be shot and pissed on. Go crawl back to your smelly dominoes tournament in your 11-person studio apartment and listen to Pavement.
aaaaand fr my next trick, I will make another one of these delicious beers disappear! Ta daa! The world of illusion. Doug Henning! Was he gay? Wait, I mean, is he gay? Crap. Is he still alive? [edit: dang, he died 10 years ago.]
We live next door to a duplex and through a window in our living room, you can see the front door of the apartment on the top level next door. Lo and behold around midnight a couple ran outside the room and started making out. It took awhile for them to notice all six of us cheering. Sadly they stopped. Tonight was also the first night I had White Castle. I don't think I could have been less sober, but it was still a letdown. Flimsy ass soggy burgers with mediocre fries. So much for the hype.
I gots to do somethin' about this whole girl thang soon or it's gonna drive me crazy Also I just had one of those deep meaningful conversations with my friend for 2 and a half hours. Jesus christ.
While i am not drunk i am blazed on dilauted...(Fuck you gallstones) Ughh way to fuck up my weekend. As for hot chicks on boats, here is a friend of mine.
I'm up way too early, but oh well. Seeing as I have tomorrow off (very unusual), I plan on getting a degree of retarded drunk tonight after work. How retarded, you ask? Not Corky, but Jersey Shore cast member retarded will be good enough. And BD, congrats. I didn't realize things were that serious. Guess I've been away far too long. Good luck, and godspeed to the (free) boat.
I'm up way too early also...probably because I was drinking last night. Stone IPA is good. That shot of tequila I accepted..not so much. Moving from off the couch probably isn't happening soon.
Man, that's so true. I used to eat whole large pizzas by myself when I was young. I remember going to pubs and eating whole plates of 24 chicken wings without a problem. In the interest of our geriatric members, I should clarify that I mean "young" as in "younger". 12 years old young.
They're not connected at all. I don't like to drink and don't need to to have fun and I'm on a diet, neither of which have anything to do with my wife. A good weekend for me involves time with my friends and the enjoyment of my hobbies, both of which I'm doing this weekend. And being married is fantastic, regardless of how cool people think it is to be cynical.
Badger Gameday WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On Wisconsin, On Wisconsin Fuck you Indiana, Fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck, I just sent one of those annoying cute texts that couples send to each other to someone who wasn't my girlfriend. There goes my dignity.
I'm sure your mom thought it was cute, so I wouldn't worry about it. Just got back from the funeral. Did the lone piper thing and it went fairly well... No really obvious fuckups but there was a bit of ad libbing near the end as I forgot how the tune ended. Something eerie about the sound of pipes in a big cemetery. And it was weird doing it without a kilt on. Oh well. At least it's done. Now it's time to get a wee bit primed for the Santa Claus Parade here in London. My dad is a Shriner/Mason who rides in the Iron Camels (a parade group of Harleys) and they all came into town last night. They'll be in the parade today so I'm going to fill up the flask and go stand on the sidelines and watch. Been a long time since I've seen a parade.
Birthday lineup: Drunk golfing, drunk girls volleyball game, drunk football game, drunk surprise dinner I shouldn't know about, and drunk partying afterwards. Dress up and be classy they said. Moderation they said.
Charcoal and lighter fluid, Christmas lights, Christmas Ale courtesy of Shiner Bock, a few new rugs, some knitting crap my wife needed, and groceries. It's high time to be shopping at walmart. Now I'm going to sit back, drink beer, and enjoy this beautiful day before I get drunk tonight, build another fire, and stake out the fucking armadillo that's still tearing up my yard. I thought there was just one; apparently, there's another one that wants the same treatment it's twin got last week. Except this time I'm gonna sit in a lawn chair by the fire, with both my shotgun and rifle loaded and ready. This little shit isn't gonna run like the last one did.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ice=mobile</a> And with that, SUV sales went through the roof and set the Green movement back 10 years.