Most women I know would respond to those texts like actual human beings. I think we just find it galvanizing that these people exist, and are out there....somewhere. You're right about the shit guys send as well. Usually guys don't respond to texts they recieve like morons unless they're really insecure, but as far as sending stupid shit....MAN. Especially when they're horny and it's desperation hour at the bar. Incoming, ladies. Wazzup? U up? U out? U doin NE thang? etc.
Actually this statement needs a qualifier. The ones who are oblivious to men saying they're into them might not be "stupid", per se. Maybe they're oblivious. Maybe they just have such low self-esteem or other personal issues that they can't imagine a guy would be into them, so when someone shows obvious interest they're so far in denial they can't add 2 and 2 together. Maybe they're 16 year olds. I'm sure a lot of people here can think of times where they were the object of someone else's affection and didn't figure it out until later, or were on the harsher end of that scenario. A lot of the rest of them are plain stupid but I never meant to insinuate that was an exclusively female phenomenon.
Yeah, I'm thinking the average age for the posters on this site is 15. And everyone is stupid at 15. This one is definitely fake or we're all doomed. There is no way she read the words she wanted to hear and still was like "huh?" I think she just wanted validation also.