I went through almost $12,000 worth of drugs in 8 hours today. It's even more boring than you think it is.
Yes, this is all a skewed perception experiment where I post anonymously to see if people will still laugh at my jokes not knowing that I am, in fact, Louis CK. I'm trying to escape my own brand.
I am not sure if I am bad at jokes or you guys are. Probably all of us. Also Nom, what's with the Jon Snow face? You're rocking some weepy, distance-peering eyes. Next thing we know you'll be banging gingers with weird accents and saying banal things about loyalty. And doing impressive things with your tongue, which I've gathered is your modus operandi anyway.
Anyone else still listen to the radio? I haven't in years but my girlfriend still does. I think I finally realized why my dad is stuck in the late 70s musically. He found what he liked and didn't move on. I find myself listening to 90s grunge and rarely anything else.
I found an all '80s station a week or so ago and have been listening to that on the way to and from work. It's like re-living high school, which wasn't much fun the first time, so I'm not sure why I'm doing it.
Man, this is my regular resting face. No wonder strangers used to stop me on the train to ask why I was sad.
God. Radio sucks so bad. I have discovered an all comedy station though, I listen to it at work and it preserves what little sanity I have. Listening to the radio is like listening to every video Nitwit posts in the drunk thread, repetitive and low quality. Suicide inducing.
This only happened when I was younger. Although now unless I'm actively laughing some of my friends don't think I'm having fun, so maybe I do have a Jon Snow face. And thus marks the first time my face has ever non-ironically been compared to snow.
Grab his phone and take some nice close ups of yourself making the Batwing, the Goat, the Brain, etc, Waiting style. Assign pictures as random contact pics so he gets random pleasant surprises when people call. Assign the worst one to mom. ETA: And make Grandma the Blue Waffle.
Some chick in her mid-20s just wandered up to my office door. When I opened it, she asked "Is this the restaurant?" My office does not look like a restaurant.
And did you ever come up with a better response than "This is just what my face looks like"? Because I haven't.