The thing that kills me about Kentucky is it thinks its the South, its not, its Kentucky. The other thing that kills me is UK. The unabashedly recruit dirty, and have no interest in maintaining players for more than one year. Look at last years team, every player is leaving, not because they want to, but because the next recruiting class is way better and there's no room for them. Also Calipari didn't want an IU-UK series. Keep in mind, all my siblings went to IU.
Don't be such a pussy with the disclaimer. What you're describing is the way it goes in a vast majority of the cases I've seen (both within and outside the criminal justice system). I know, I know, it's not 'acceptable' to somehow imply a young person raising a kid at 17 doesn't have all the tools necessary to do it well most of the time, so we dance around it and come up with euphemisms to say what is staring us all in the face: Most 17 year olds (male or female) are not prepared to be good parents. They're kids themselves. But God forbid anyone actually come out and say the glaringly obvious.
I have to since any time I post something remotely controversial, I get angry retorts from apologists and people with spurious anecdotal evidence with sample sizes of 1 to refute noticeable trends.
Maybe saying something along the lines of hookers are looked down on in society? This is a hypocritical bunch when the mood suits them. Nothing is off limits here, its the Idiot Board! Unless of course we disagree.
Well when everyone thinks like this about anytime there is a discussion over anything besides bacon, steak, and sex.
One of my WT cousins just had a ginger baby and named him "Howdy". I'm judging. This poor kid is gonna go through life as a fucking caricature.
It's not hypocritical -- you had the right to say what you wanted, people disagreed and said so. The world kept spinning, and Dixie kept complaining about my face while posting pictures of women who had to have their barcodes photoshopped off. Nobody's beliefs are completely internally consistent, and you're not immune from criticism when you say stuff that offends people just because its The Idiot Board.
You mean the board is comprised of individuals with individual thoughts and values and isn't some authoritarian figure with a single set of beliefs? Color me shocked.
Just commenting on the fact that Juice felt the need to preface a pretty obvious statement, sometimes this place gets a little too estrogeny for me whenever someone speaks ill of women. Sort of how Frank there refers to such statements. Lighten up.
Im not getting involved. I wasnt complaining about it and it wasn't brought up apropos of nothing, VI brought it up and I explained it.
DUDEBRAH!!!!!! You think you're getting out of this so easy? Wrong. You're going to sit there and flame on this discussion until it gets blown out of proportion and veers off into branch debates just like it always does here. What kind of game you think we're running here?
Hey, we were talking about bourbon! Whenever I have heard John Mellencamp's "Key West Intermezzo" and he says "He tells me a story about some girl he knows in Kentucky; He just made that story up, there ain't no girl like that" I've always thought to myself, "No, there are plenty of girls like that in Kentucky. I knew them."
When I used to go watch UK football games with my trombone tutor, (yes, yes I was in band and he played in the UK ensemble), my highschool eyes would get quite the sundress-filled fantasy come true. It was just plain awesome.
I opened up a bottle of Buffalo Trace last night and as usual, it is some tasty booze. A great deal for under $25.
Yeah, man. I feel you. It's like, I can't even drop a harmless "bitches be bad at stuff, bro" up in this thread without getting challenged by people. I just want a space to air my reductive opinions...uncontested. But naw, too much estrogen around here.