When she said pussy massage earlier, I don't think th- oh, wait, you mean because of her actual job credentials.
I suppose it'll work, but to shoot it on up there, that is one high powered queef. A Road Warrior size queef.
Just in case this was serious, this is what I meant: I posed the question to my coworkers, and we decided that if they scissored as the semen was leaking out of lady one's poon then maybe it could be possible. But we were kind of thrown.
Jeez, didn't you see that I was agreeing with you? Seriously though, challenge accepted, Chompsky. I'm going to type up a thread idea that I've wanted to do for a long time, but never bothered because mods don't read the suggestion board anymore.
I'll add a caveat to the "nuclear death" rule. It is acceptable to bother me so I can physically restrain a girl from beating the shit out of another one and then have to deal with the police. So, four layoffs and one outright firing. Happy Friday. As an aside, girls fight dirty.
At what kind of wonderful white trash bastion do you work? I imagine your co-workers are the Jamboree Bears from Disney World. Your insurance policy must save a fortune on dental. Instead of Casual Friday, do you have "For the Love of God, Just Wear Something Without A Monster Truck Picture" Friday?
If it's "what one thing would you take if you were stranded on a deserted island?" then I already have that one:
I just spent 20 minutes stuck in traffic next to a car full of 12 year old Juggalos driven by a mom who clearly hates her life.
And it'll be titled: "Poll: Edward Scissor Hands" Focus: How do you like your woman's bush? Poll Options: A: Overgrown B: Whispy C: Curled D: Bangs E: If there's grass on the field... F: Cornrows G: Rasta H: I'm just here to fuck the po-lice!!
You said today's secret word. This is now a juggalo thread. Maybe if we use the term "juggalo" enough we can get some google traffic. NSFW The photos I posted, these people have a combined paycheck of Fritos.
I can't speak for the other states, but I think NH is high up because people from the surrounding states stock up on booze there because it's so much cheaper. I bet there's more booze actually consumed in Maine because what the fuck else would you do there?
God, do I miss middle school. The answer is no, or at least prohibitively unlikely. Read Sperm Wars, and spend more time trying to have threesomes. I wound up in a red light district by accident last night. It was interesting to finally see the Korean prostitutes I've heard so much about. The strangest thing is that most of the were chubby, especially by Korean standards. From what I saw, they were fairly fugly, which would make sense. The best part was the mutual, fascinated staring. Also, so much perfume and makeup, you could smell it in the street. So, my night was somehow carrying a bag of papaya with a one-armed girl through a red light district filled with glassy eyed Korean hookers. This is why travelling is important, folks.