This is the exactamafundable questions that we encourage you to ask, and your confusion is perfectly understandishable. Spoiler
Are they these lyrics? 'Cause in my head they are. And the mom is a lonely divorcée who just needs a release...
This is a pretty damn cool video of a "glacier" coming off a lake here in MN. Never saw anything like this before. Spoiler
This place is dead a Fuck tonight, apparently no one is sitting in a dark room drinking and listening to music. Gotta say these Bose iPod deals sound pretty good
I know its better than the alternative and all, but, I hate it when my hangover is waking up really early with a runny nose.
I would be getting one of those blowtorches from The Thing by then. "Stop trashing my house, you Ice-Queen!!!!!" Edit: I think Andre Rison once said that to Lisa Lopes.
I thought I'd give a gift to all the mother's here on their day. Just a way to say thanks for all your hard work and self sacrifice raising us rotten critters. So, here are pictures of Selena Gomez in a bikini glistening with sweat. Thanks, moms. (Eh, so it's more of a gift to myself. I can't do everything around here.)
So I apparently have this thing where I take up with - or attempt to take up with - women who are in some way unavailable or soon to move away or not where I'm from. This is going to end well. And then on the way back from dropping her off at the bus station I scraped my car against the side of a fire hydrant pulling into my apartment's parking garage. Who puts a fucking fire hydrant so close to the curb? And why did I never notice it before? That's gonna be expensive.
This weekend sucked, I'm actually ready to go back to work this coming week just so I can have a redo next weekend. I'm also only a couple months away from being done with Korea and moving to Deutschland. It's been a crazy fun year here, and I'm glad I got the experience, but I'm also glad this shit is about to be over and that I'll get to see some new stuff. My recommendation for any of you world travelers, if you can come to Korea during the summer for a week or two, eat some bulgogi and kim chi, drink plenty of soju, see Seoul, the DMZ and Busan and then get the fuck out. I just wish I didn't have a curfew imposed on me while I was here, I had more freedom at 16 than I do now in my twenties, although sometimes I think it isn't a bad idea because we cause enough trouble with the time we are allowed to roam. Fuck I can't wait to be able to drive a car again.
So after after losing 60 pounds I still have to pay the $20 fat tax. I was over by two fucking pounds. Right in the jimmies. Worst part: I was comfortably below the weight limit until I started lifting again.
She's 20. I luh-luh-luhve you like a love song babyyy. She could do much better "singing" in the porno industry. But yeah, the sunglasses make her look like a prepubescent chipmunk, albeit one with perfect boobs.