Clamato is the worst shit ever conceived, people seriously drink this stuff willingly? You can put all the hot sauce and vodka you want in it, still tastes like ass.
And the stuff is pretty safe (compared to most herbicides). You could probably take a bath in it without getting sick. In other news, it looks like "Vadering" is the new photo trend: Also, I just found out "owling" was a thing. Fucking hipsters.
So this just happened (I posted it to facebook): So on our trip to Crete, we were searching for shells on the beach, and we found a 5 inch long resinous looking stick. We had debated what it was. Jägerette thought it might have been the antenna of a lobster, whereas I had grandiose illusions that it may have been an amber pin from a piece of ancient jewelry. We took it home with us, where it sat amongst our shells. A few minutes ago I decided to try to melt the tip of it to see if it would give off the distinct smell of amber or resin. Instead it caught on fire suddenly and burned at a rapid rate between my fingers as I ran to the patio door to throw it out. Apparently it was a piece of Cordite which the brits used in place of gunpowder in bullets and shells, likely left from the Battle of Crete during the Second World War.
True enough. We did this once in an emergency type situation but they make special insecticides for just this.
I mean hell, if all I wanted to do was kill everything on the ground, I'd just salt and pave the backyard. This is the downside of backing onto a ravine - it's beautiful and awesome but the absolute amount of weedy shit that crawls through that back fence is astonishing. Weeds with roots that are the thickness of my wrist. It's obscene. Instead, I went at it the old fashioned way today. (minus the white pants because who the FUCK works in the garden in white pants?)
Fair point, but we are talking about spot spraying weeds not dumping gallons of fuel to leech into the soil and anyplace you are worried about ground water I would suggest one should probably not be spraying huge amounts of any chemical.
True, but goats eat EVERYTHING. They'd probably try to eat the trees in the yard if they could reach. You'll end up with a sandy yard with no option but to pave. In other news, I really should not have eaten those samoosas earlier. I'm slowly going to die of toxic fume inhalation, due to the flour in the samoosas' outer covering. Not cool, body, not cool.
Simple...after the goat eats the dandelions, you eat the goat before it destroys the yard. It's the circle of life.
I've been outside all day with a monster like in the photo. Dandelions pop up like Moxie's around here. Fuck them. Although I don't object to being high while gardening the entire day. One does love my gravity bong.
I spent the all day in the yard as well I had wanted to do up the mint julips for the Derby but it took much longer to finish outside than I thought it would. Ill move on for margaritas for the Mexican holiday tomorrow.
If you guys really want the best thing for killing weeds, use 2-4-D. It's a growth hormone that kills broadleaves but doesn't hurt grass. Everything but the grass in your yard will die quickly. Just don't get too crazy around your trees because it will curl up the leaves. I use a roller to put it on my lawn to keep the fumes down.
A great great great great (I think there's a few more greats in there but not sure how many) uncle of mine is #1 on a list on Cracked. For people who accomplished great things while serving a prison sentence. I don't know how to feel about this. And really Cracked? We've already all heard every joke you can possibly make about the name.
The house is just me, the dog, and the cats til tomorrow afternoon. I should really be working on various projects. Instead, I've done jack shit all day long. It's actually nice to not have to do anything at all for a day.
You can't tell us this then not give us the link, we're all lazy and don't want to have to look for these things ourselves.