You watch the show because you like being dicked around? To each his own I guess, but I guarantee almost nobody would agree with you. I agree with kuhjager. The writers are obviously trying to stretch out the overall plot as much as possible (hey, it's a stable job), but you have to draw a line at some point. Everything about this show (especially the jokes) has definitely deteriorated; add the fact that the writers pull this kind of bullshit and I'm officially over it. My money's on one more season before people wise up, realize how shitty it has become, and it gets canceled.
Yes I agree the show has deteriorated both in plot and humour. But I still find this show hilarious, and the fact it is only a 25 minute show makes it convenient to watch. If I wanted a show with a full blown plot that progresses etc I would watch my other favourites shows e.g. Madmen, Wire etc. But HIMYM is that show I can rely on for humour, before it was Entourage until I realised quickly Ari Gold, the hot women (Sloan etc) and celebrity cameos in this show can no longer carry this show on there own.
Or one more season because that's the stated run of the show? That episode left me a bit upset, and shaken for my expectations - the fact I was emotionally invested enough for that to happen is still worth it in my book.
I enjoy unconventional storytelling and playing with expectations. I also enjoy a show that has the courage to eschew the easy crowd pleaser for the sake of a more authentic result.
I agree with them. I love the way they play with the storytelling metaphor, and how they will go with something that none of us had even thought possible (what with how familiar we all are with tv tropes now). I don't think the acting or the writing has gone significantly down overall, there have just been a couple stand-alone style episodes that felt like filler.
I wouldn't say they're dicking around with us. They've made it clear that the series is done after 8 seasons. Quite frankly I'm in no rush to find out who the mother is, or for Robin and Barney to start getting serious again. The series can only go downhill from that point, so the closer to the end they put it the better it will be. The only problem I had with this last episode was the Marshall stuck-on-the-roof side-story. He's a Columbia University Law graduate, not fucking Tim Taylor.
It's not the result that I didn't like; it was how they presented it. The whole "and that's why you kids aren't real" shit just left a sour taste in my mouth. Plus this is supposed to be a sitcom, and I don't think I've genuinely laughed at anything anyone has done or said on this show for a long, long time. All the jokes in the newer episodes feel forced and unnatural. For example, that shit with the smoking pot and going to the same restroom 1500 times in a row thinking it's a churro stand or whatever a couple episodes back. It was okay to do once or twice (still wasn't really that funny), but after the third or fourth time it's just annoying and lazy writing. There's another example. I do agree the acting is still good, though. But that's not enough to keep me watching when those talents are being wasted. I'd rather just catch up on episodes of Community.
Dammit, this does make sense, but kind of out of left field...but seems like something the writers would throw together...
Wasn't overly impressed with the episode, but thought the different intros were hilarious, especially hearing Barney sing. I always enjoy when they surprisingly do that...
Was good, especially combined with Chris Elliot's stupid lines. "I did it!" "No Marshall, you did it." More than anything, I'm proud of the restraint they showed in not resorting to a Blair Witch parody.
The creator/EP has intimated that it will probably end after season 8, but also said he'd be willing to do a season 9 "if it felt right" which to me translates into "if they keep offering us money." I feel like once they hit season 5, got their 100 episodes and cushy syndication deals, they should have started working on wrapping things up. But that's just me.
Those goddamn writers better have a new fucking episode out tomorrow or else heads are gonna roll...its been going on three weeks without one. Assholes.
I still watch the show, and still laugh. But Season 5 really felt like the peak to me. Six was mediocre and this season has just been weak. Skip to the fucking end and wrap up with something funny.
So I really liked last nights episode. It had that mix of funny and poignant that makes HIMYM great at times. Then they ruined all that in the last few seconds.... Spoiler Seriously, you're going to the Ted & Robin bin again. I hope dump that story line quickly.
They hinted at it in the season premiere. I don't have a problem with it happening, but tonight it sort of came out of nowhere. Ted hasn't showed any interest in her at all this season. Spoiler Otherwise, I'm glad that Kal Penn will be disappearing. He never seemed like he was comfortable as a sitcom actor.
That seemed ridiculously abrupt. Hopefully the Spoiler Ted and Robin angle goes just as abruptly. I'm interested in where the Barney Karma angle goes.
Rei's profile pic describes the last few seconds of the episode, but the good thing is we know for sure it will not last as she's still called aunt Robin in previous episodes. I'm so utterly sick of hearing Ted whine about how much he's in love with her. I'm also very curious to see where the Barney and Quinn/Karma dealie end up going; I'd for sure be okay with seeing her again, hopefully in that blanket.