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His name is Nick

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dubyu tee eff, Sep 17, 2011.

  1. menaceIIsobriety

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    Village Idiot

    May 26, 2011
    One of my first roommates, right after high school, was a black guy who employed every generic (traditionally black) nickname in the book rather than be burdened with recollecting your given name. I found it quite annoying to be called "fam," "cuz," etc. though the other half the time he produced sidesplitters like "cat daddy." That one regretfully stuck for a while until it evolved into "the Feline Father." Also, based upon our wardrobe, he termed my group of friends the "Pastel Party."

    The absolute worst of the worst came when I was sentenced to two months in a county jail for DWI when I was 19. I was absurdly naive and the youngest in my cell block by at least five years. My first day I was invited to join a domino game and quickly got a 25 point and my teammate nonchalantly says "nice bone, pretty lips." Within an hour everyone, including the jailer/deputy, was calling me that and did so for the 53 days I remained there. Did I mention that I carried a ball-point pen to the showers for protection for at least a week? Fortunately I omitted this term of endearment in the letters to friends and family; it would have terrified my mother and delighted my buddies.