I to respond to reps. Yeah she is cute and quite bangable in a physical aspect. Kind of sad and telling of guys that just the liminal amount of attractiveness would let a girl like this walk all over them.....
To be fair to the guys in question, from the sounds of it, she only goes on one date with each guy. And going by her blog, she's only been at this for about six months, and she has a really small number of actual blog entries. Unless she's deleted a bunch of entries, she's gone on, what, a dozen or so of these dates? There are some times where I think that someone would go far in life if all of the effort and creativity they'd put into their nefarious activities were put into more legitimate endeavours. I'm thinking here of the guy who stole a flask from my freshman chemistry lab and made a rather ingenious bong out of it. But this girl? Given her apparent level of success at gold-digging and her poor writing skills, it's no wonder she describes herself as a penniless aspiring actress.
I was going to bring up IHTSBIH, but I didn't want to come across as hating too much on Tucker. IHTSBIH is perfect for this comparison. When you read the book, there's more to it than "I'm Tucker Max, and I'm an asshole." He has redeeming features, and it makes for compelling reading. Meanwhile, the movie just goes with the "I'm an asshole" bit and it just makes you recoil with revulsion. Honestly, I have never watched a single episode of Jersey Shore. I can't say anything about whether they have something other than being greaseball morons or not. But when you look at shows like Honey Boo Boo, Lizard Lick Towing, Survivor, and Big Brother, (I feel dirty even mentioning these goddamn shows) there's good in people regardless of how shitty the show is. The conflict and triumph is what drives the story, and it's interesting because of it. That's why wrestling has babyfaces and heels. That's why ESPN hyped the shit out of Tim Tebow and portrays other people as assholes. They're trying to create that drama. If I were going to make a reality show based on this chick, I'd probably end up with her starting off as what amounts to being a con artist (because that's what she's doing) and then starting to develop regrets about what she's doing. Then she meets someone whom she actually likes, and he sees her for who she really is and dumps her. She's then driven to improve herself... I should make shitty romantic comedies for Lifetime.
Indeed. Just read what this static cunt has to say: ...yeah, you're twenty-three and you'll always be invincible, right? This is just going to keep going and you'll never tire of it. I'm not asking "Is she looking for boyfriends?" I'm asking "Will my dreams come true by her dying alone?". I can't tell if she's trying to be cool by writing mindless comeback dreck like that or if she's clinically ignorant. Either way, all she does is take up fucking space. By that way, she's a para-hipster and dresses like THIS for dates: Another?
Rain boots and what appear to be a large pair of men's plaid boxer shorts. I'm going to wife her. You have my word.
before we get all psychoanalysis freudian oedipus complex shame base egocentric feminist on this one. Sorry but the fuck?
And she only forgot two capital letters on her much-read blog. After accusing men of acting like "university students". Did anybody else's irony meter explode? Men she be honoured to date you, Fuck YOU. You're a white entitled girl from the West who relishes in not contributing, how the hell are you even a person? Ghetto: explain how being called a "university student" up here isn't somehow a compliment.
Semi hot girl takes advantage of dumb guys and acts entitled. This happens. Clearly you've never been to any big city where this happens commonly. Aside from that, you need to remember, she is kinda hot, which is obviously the most important thing.
When I think of the word "hot" I think of the words like sultry, sexy, sizling, etc.. not pretty, which she is. She doesn't seem sexy, she's a goddamn slob. Is being pretty a talent and should therefore be respected? I thought it was like royalty and you won a lucky sperm contest. Because sometimes you end up like Ron Perlman. It isn't fair to women that this bitch gets to carry a flag for them. On here, we get angry at her and NOT the entire female populace because we're not children. Out THERE, however where the dipshit seas such as Reddit and Digg let this reflect on women in general and out come the wolves.
Wow I just googled her name and posted the first picture I found. I didn't know she was a near homeless schizophrenic. I give the mentally ill props when they can pull a fast one on us normies.
I mean, clearly the thing to do is to go out with her, politely but firmly refuse to pay for a single thing she eats, and then blog about the experience, right?
Nope, she's onto that trick and bragged loudly about it. She's a genius. I say fuck her because she does that too and then Twitter about what a unhygienic, cadaverous lay she is. Spaceballs is on TMN right now and I have a fridge full of beer. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
How to give conspiracy theorist fucks a raging hard-on: These are, in fact, two albums that were slated for release on Sept. 11, 2001: ...spooky. The album by the Coup was pulled immediately and re-released with a new cover in November.
Looks like the Chechens are determined to make the most out of Putins olympics... http://www.cnn.com/2013/12/30/world/europe/russia-volgograd-explosion/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
I am going to fess up to a bias. Yup, I can't stand Russians. I don't mean 'I was born there and left when I was 6.' I mean born and raised there. Damn near every Russian I've met, whether in the US or Europe, Bermuda, Dominican Republic, et. al. has been a screaming douchebag. Putin is a douchebag of epic proportions, and I can't think of a better representative for Russia. Commie Pinko fuckface.
I look at the Russians as the bully from high school that now works at a gym. He likes to think he's threatening, but no one gives a fuck about him anymore.