Agreed. The steamed burger place (Teds) isnt that great, its got the pure novelty factor working for it, but little else. I tried it after it was on Man vs Food, but it was a bit of a let down. The Louis Lunch place is also okay, but again, the novelty nostalgia works better than the actual taste. Theres way better ways to put a burger together than mustard, toast, and tomatoes. Plan B in Glastonbury beats them both. The ones in Cambridge are easily beaten by Boston Burger Co., which is one of the best burger places Ive ever been. Ive been to a handful of the ones in NYC and theyre pretty good too. Only if theyre slanderous or just a bullshit angry review. If someone posts a legitimately negative review, then they keep it.
Ohio has the worst of everything, they eat their chili on spaghetti for Christ's sake. Their professional teams suck and they have one college team that win games, of which their fans are known to be the biggest douchebags in the NCAA. It's probably because they're insecure that everything else in Ohio is substandard.
I've stated my dislike for Ohio before, in my opinion the state is entirely worthless. The only good thing it has is Cedar Point, which is awesome.
Uncle Billy was an asshole.,34838/
Jane's Addiction and Nine Inch Nails are from Ohio. So is Cedar Point. There's the only three things I've ever liked about the state. You see more sunshine in Seattle than Cleveland and that's practically impossible. The highways look like King Kong used them as a doormat. The state seems.....well, cursed. And yet every election cross-hairs Ohio to focus on their legions of "undecided voters" better known as "dipshits".
Fried egg is the most overlooked topping on a burger and... Well, everything. There really aren't many things not improved by throwing a fried egg on top. Peanut butter sandwich? Check. Pasta? Check. Indian food? Check. Wouldn't throw it on desserts or cereal, but that's about all i can think of.
"She said she needed a break A little time to think But then she went to Cleveland With some guy named Leland That she met at the bank There's nothing wrong with Ohio Except the snow and the rain I really like Drew Carey And I'd love to see the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame" Ohio(Come Back to Texas) - Bowling for Soup
I'm curious as to what is going on here. He is matching sketches to finished pictures, but for what reason? Why would a kid need that skill?
That's because you've never been to ragnarok, an entire week camping down the road from a walmart, Taco Bell and liquor store with over a thousand full grown nerds doing drugs and role playing, still probably the most interesting place I've ever been.
Dont you fucking dare question The Cosby, woman. No go put your head down and think about what you did.
My mom for years would make pancakes, throw a couple of fried eggs on top, then slather it all with syrup. She's a tiny tiny woman.
Considering I hate Jane's Addiction more than Ohioans love runny cinnamon chili on day old spaghetti (pronounced 'Sketties'), the only good thing to come from the state was James Garfield, but a psychopath shot him in the back. The only 100% honest president we had and we fucking murdered him in 6 months through medical ignorance. Take a round of applause, folks. You see how fast Trent Reznor took his ass out of that place. I've been to Ohio once. I contracted a stomach bug akin to cholera there. I shat liquid 2 minutes after ingesting it, passed out from standing up, and started going blind from malnutrition. The ER gave me an IV, a pill to slow my intestinal peristalsis, then practically chewed me out for bothering them. I dropped 20 pounds in 4 days.
I dunno about the rest of the burgers on that list, but I can confirm the two Cambridge ones (Craigie and Bartleby's) are indeed very good.
Jesus Christ. I just got a call from our daycare saying another little girl my daughter plays with has "Lots of lice in her hair." Wow, is it 1986 already? This is the second time this kid has had it this year what the fucking fuck? It's called "hygiene" and it's a great practise. Use it.
I have had a beard for the last three interviews that I have had and I gotten all three jobs. Assuming that it isn't patchy or scraggly, you shouldn't have any problems. Trim it up, wax the 'stache, and shave your neck and it's all golden.
Mother and child reunion is deLISH! (Fried egg over easy on grilled chicken sandwich.) Do the worm outside the barn, jump out of the hayloft, then the big chicken takes a dump on Mr. Bluebird. "Hey, hey, hey!" My favorite Fat Albert episode, ever.