I like when Crown gets drunk. He asks a lot of questions. Always looking out for the rest of us. It also fully explains how he came to own a masterpiece to hang in his office.
Scotchcrotch owns the painting. I just wanted everyone here to "enjoy" it as much as I. I feel so fresh right now. I feel like playing tennis and beach-walking.
Apparently absenthe is different from "absente" only because it is made from a different type of wormwood. And that's what makes "absente" legal in the US, but not absinthe. Absinthe is made with a more northern wormwood, and it is more bitter, whereas absinte is made with a southern wormwood and is decidedly sweet. I compare it almost exactly, flavor-wise (and flavor only) to jager. Having had both, here's my complete review on the legal Absinte: First sip feels like you just took five Xanax and a redbull. Every sip thereafter, only adds upon that, minus the redbull. Thus completes my review.
It was an old-fashioned New Years Eve last night with bourbon and gambling, and I doubled my money playing cards. I can now afford all of the aspirin I need right now.
Met a young lady at a house party last night who wanted to go down on me and have me finish right as the ball dropped. I unfortunately went over by about ten seconds. Ah well, there's always next year. Happy new year everyone!
It's just labeling and marketing. Absinthe is 100% legal in the U.S. The differences in wormwood are merely availability and flavoring. You would have to drink around 20 bottles of absinthe to have a psychological effect. That chemical analysis of old bottles was actually what got the drink's prohibition lifted around 2002. The drink's reputation was caused by good old fashioned chronic alcoholism and panic; panic mostly from the liquor abolitionists that got their way 10 years later and ushered in a decade of crime, murder, and erosion of rights. Absinthe has the best history of any booze. New Year aftermath: home by 1, bed by 130. I just can't sit there and drink a dozen beers in an evening before I want to go to bed anymore. Bar was kind of a bust. I like empty, but not too empty. Pal and his girl were teetering on a fight too. Came home to suck down aspirin and woke up fine.
There's Pernod from France or Cami Tooloose-Lautrec from the Czech Rep. Best absinthe I've ever tried, nothing has come close so far. True green fairy shit.
I would vomit if I had a drink right now, Vicodin though sounds awesome. If I was back in Colorado I'd go buy legal weed to help with the nausea. After the Winter Classic I'm going to get a big greasy, carne asada burrito on the beach.
If I were in Colorado I'd be opening an all-night Dominos/WhiteCastle/Dorito-rama and making a goddamn fortune.
2014 has brought carbohydrates to my house in the form of potato pancakes and baked oatmeal with dates and walnuts. After pulling my husband out of a snowbank at 4am, I decided to spend the rest of the morning in the kitchen.
My youngest just made these incredible treats called haystacks. Peanut butter, peanuts, melted butterscotch chips and LaChoy fried chow mein noodles.