Truth. Korea was unaccompanied so people were separated from their spouses for a year. At least 75% of people who were married got divorced, and I'm not talking just young people either. Anyone who just had a boyfriend or girlfriend... yeah over in like a month. That place was the bane of relationships. Because there are incentives to get married. If you are married you don't have to live in the barracks/dorms and can move off base and since they give people BAH and BAS you get a pay raise, like $1000 per month in the shittiest areas. If you live in an area with a high cost of living like Hawaii or some shit you could easily be getting over an extra $2000 a month. Like, I'm a single guy and they give me $1450 a month just for rent, but I lived in the dorms for three years so I did my time.
Currently -15 with a wind chill of -50. It's so cold the condensation on our windows is freezing. It isn't supposed to really get back to normal human temperatures until Wednesday, either. And to top the shit sandwich, of course I have a fever. Fuck.
Bitching about the cold and the universe was nice enough to raise your body temperature. Someone's just looking for anything to complain about.
This. And not living in the barracks is a pretty fucking big incentive. Things like privacy, not having to deal with nighttime drama, shit like that. But contract marriages rarely work, and bitches be crazy. I've seen some of the wives at the gym on post. Some of them do a fairly decent job of taking care of themselves and not being crazy...actually being kind of nice. Some of them though...yeeeeeesh. Military wife life is a subculture that you have to see to understand, and I don't think it's ever something that should be appreciated. Don't get me wrong - dealing with home life by yourself a fair majority of the time, and handling kids, and dealing with orchestrating the major parts of the PCS and all the other side jazz that goes along with having a military household isn't easy...especially when a lot of it is done with just a wing and a prayer.
"Military wife." What a laugh. Do they wake up at 3:30 in the morning every day to go possibly get blown up? They are married to an enlisted citizen. THAT is the person you salute, not Couchy McCuntington.
No its cold as fuck. You don't even know what cold is living in the asshole of Satan. Its practically insanity to leave me house today. I'm doing it, because I'm fucking crazy.
I didn't work the gate, so I never had to deal with this shit. But I would have had a hard time not laughing in a entitled crazy bitches face had she demanded I salute her. There are fuck all few civilians that I will salute most of them have a really cool title like "commander in chief." "Cum-dumpster for some fuck-whit butter bars" doesn't have the same ring to it. The only bad part is that you have to be respectful because I'm sure the same crazy bitch goes home and makes her husbands life even more miserable than she normally would and shit rolls down hill. An officers husband that tried to pull that same shit, I would not have been able to let his masculinity go unchallenged.
I've been in/around the military for 14+ years now, and I've never heard of wives demanding salutes. That's some crazy horse shit right there. Those pictures that Shim put up aren't far from the truth though. I see a lot of skinny ass dudes married to fucking land whales (usually Marines). The Army wives I've met have usually been pretty cool, and the Navy wives of my friends have always been kick ass, but I've encountered the do-nothing leaches a bit as well. My best friend's wife was not having any kind of luck discovering a career for herself, despite all her efforts at Flight Attending and Tupperware party sales... Luckily she turns out to be a kick ass Mom, and he's good enough to have made E-8 at 13 years in.
I don't want to know. The high today and tomorrow is in the 30's and that's as cold as it gets here. I take my 105 degree days with 90% humidity in order to avoid this shit.
How many millions of dollars are you getting to venture forth in this stupidity? Because stupid amounts of money, or sexual acts with super models so depraved they don't even have laws for them yet, are the only reasons I can see for going out in this shit.
Its how this publication decides to cite its source. I'm actually heading out because my best friend is in town from L.A. and not only do I want to make him suffer, there is this restaurant we always went to when he was here and he leaves tomorrow. They're crazy enough to be open, so we're going.
Maybe I'm weird, but I don't find the extreme cold all that bad. Even when Denver was -15, I didn't mind it too much. I'd rather deal with that than 100 and humid. For me, the most annoying part of the cold is waiting for the car to warmup, sitting there on cold leather seats is kind of miserable.
Tomorrow will be the coldest day here in two decades. How cold is that? Your exposed skin will be on the receiving end of frostbite in less than fifteen seconds. That shit in Chicago is going to roar over two gigantic frozen lakes and hit us, the lovely "Lake Effect" combining with the wonderful "Snow Belt" which crosshairs us as "Shitstorm Apocalypse."
It isn't the -15 that gets you, it's the "feels like -50 with the windchill". When it's so cold that road salt has no effect. When it's so cold that your nose hair freezes when you breathe. When it's so cold that your car actually screams when you turn it over in the morning (assuming it'll turn over at all). When it's so cold that you experience frostquakes. This hasn't been your average run-of-the-mill cold snap. These are temperatures normally reserved for Siberian exiles and Regina.
I thought Canadians were supposed to be a tough, cold loving people. Apparently they all want to live in Florida because they hate the wintery temps.
There is a difference between "wintery temps" and fucking siberia. Wind chill bringing it down to -40 is not fucking cool. I'm really missing living in Daytona right now.
there are a couple of Facebook pages devoted specifically to the crazy that dependas exhibit. Screen caps of rants about salutes not given, and trade and sell groups who are trading food stamps for this that or the other, rants about not going to balls, or rants about not being given military discounts. It gets pretty damn preposterous. Eh. This is kind of where I start to feel for people. It SUCKS that so many posts are in locations where the economy is so dependent upon the military that wives can't GET jobs, because there aren't any jobs to get. I'm lucky in that I left everything to come here where there's opportunity available, as long as I can find it. (Btw, two weeks of unemployment and this shit SUCKS. Not having a job fucking blows.) Yeah, it's a choice to be married to a service member, etc., but the sacrifice of your independence...unless you're one of the lucky often overlooked until it's far too late. I did that my first go 'round. Ft. Stewart didn't have much by way of opportunity and I was young and stupid. I joined the army as well, and that opened a LOT for me. Many wives don't/won't/can't do that, especially with the military the way it is now. But back then, I didn't realize how much of my own self and independence and person I'd given up so I could follow ExH1.
It's -9 f in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia right now. They're predicting a high of -19 here today. Suck it, you Siberian pussies!