The reason given for school delay in our county was so they could make sure the facilities and buses are running smoothly.
That's the exact reason all of the schools in my area are closed. It's perfectly clear out and there's almost no snow on the ground whatsoever, but due to the fact that it's currently -7 out and feels like -30 with the wind chill, the schools all shut down due to the liability involved. I'm just thankful that I'm able to work from home today and don't have to leave the nice warmth of my house because fuck being outside.
Know how I was making fun of everyone yesterday for being wimps in the cold? Well I got back to Denver and well fuck. Being in San Diego really makes you a sally for any kind of weather, hot or cold.
You're entitled to personally find her acting wooden, but to say that others don't realize it because of the tits is completely ignoring the content of my post. I am a woman, I actually find her tits off-putting, and yet I am still quite charmed by her and her acting.
I would rather believe that you are charmed by her because of your near-uncontrollable desire to bury your face in her breasts.
We had a pipe burst in our store yesterday - one makeshift utility closet that, after the recent remodel, was added right beside the warehouse wall, with no heating/AC vent in it. Pipe was part of the sprinkler system and started raining down into the closet and seeping under the wall. Water from a sprinkler system that's a few months overdue for a flushing smells like the hangover shits. Definitely made it an interesting sales day.
Parents are certainly more protective in extreme weather these days. If I had stepped outside and told my parents it was too cold for school, the generic answer would be "Shut the goddamn door and go anyway, it builds character." Then when I got home they would make me shovel the driveway and inspect it afterwards, and if it snowed again before bed they would send me out again. Gotta love being an only child.
I'm all for building hardiness in kids when it comes to weather and experiences (go outside...wear appropriate clothing and hydrate), but there are times that sending your kids outside is just stupid. My dog is kenneled in my bedroom right now, crying because I locked him in there instead of letting him roam the house. IF he wouldn't try to eat the cat, I could let him out, but since he thinks my Persian is a Kitty McNugget, he can sit and cry.
And by draping it around her fat cumdumpster ass. LOTS of females do this in pictures, and they all swear the props are towels. Never a real flag.
Perfectly legal to do anything you want to it. We have no laws about flag desecration because it is a violation of the first amendment. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ted_States</a> Which is probably why you see white trash fashioning it into a t-shirt or a skull mop with impunity.
I think that rule is vaginally dependent. Her vagina is a federal offense, but someone elses? Might not be a problem.