Apparently the schools here only have part time enrollment enrolling my boys in school has been an ongoing battle because you have to make appointments and provide custody paperwork and then the schools cancel because of cold and so on. We went yesterday and didn't have an appointment...and literally were turned away. I can't say I was nice about it...I called after we left to set up an appointment, and the receptionist initially told me the counselors weren't at their desks. When I told her to find them, she literally transferred me to one of the two enrollment counselors immediately. Today, I'm going to try - for the fourth time - to enroll my sons into public middle school. I wish I could drink.
The flag should not be used as "wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery", or for covering a speaker's desk, draping a platform, or for any decoration in general (exception for coffins). Bunting of blue, white and red stripes is available for these purposes. The blue stripe of the bunting should be on the top.[6] The flag should never be drawn back or bunched up in any way. The flag should never be used as a covering for a ceiling.[7] The flag should never be used for any advertising purpose. It should not be embroidered, printed, or otherwise impressed on such articles as cushions, handkerchiefs, napkins, boxes, or anything intended to be discarded after temporary use. Advertising signs should not be attached to the staff or halyard. The flag should never be fastened, displayed, used, or stored in such a manner as to permit it to be easily torn, soiled, or damaged in any way.[8] The flag should not be used as part of a costume or athletic uniform, except that a flag patch may be used on the uniform of military personnel, firefighters, police officers, and members of patriotic organizations. The flag should never touch anything beneath it. Contrary to an urban legend, the flag code does not state that a flag that touches the ground should be burned. Instead, it is considered disrespectful to the flag and the flag in question should be moved in such a manner so it is not touching the ground.[11] The flag should always be permitted to fall freely. (An exception was made during the Apollo moon landings when the flag hung from an extensible horizontal bar, allowing full display even in the absence of an atmosphere.)[13] <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
People here use our flags as a cheap and lazy substitute for drapes, or as superman capes at outdoor concerts. What you need to read is Ain't No Rag: Freedom, Family and the Flag by Yale scholar Charlie Daniels. It covers everything: American flags, American flag bumper stickers and how you should beat hippies if you catch them burning the American flag.
From the first line your link: Really, these are guidelines of proper respect for state and municipal purposes. Not arguing it, just saying, it's legal to fashion it into a diaper for your court date. Well, as of 1990 at least. I think using any national or spiritual icon as a fashion statement makes you look like a dipshit. Or if you wear a No Fear shirt.
I wasn't done. I would also be driven to my grandparent's house who's driveway was the size of a tennis court. "Young, strong boys don't need snowblowers! Get to work!!" ....the FUCK they don't. Of course my worthless first cousins never lifted a finger to help them. I was my family's workhorse my entire teenage life. ...and then I became a flat roofer. That, my friends, is The End of all employment.
As Saffron in Firefly, she wasn't cardboard. And her tittays were neither giant, nor sparkling. The fact that Firefly was so awesome or that I was constantly distracted by Summer Glau may be rose-coloring my memory, though.
Truth. Try that shit in New Orleans in August. Anyone know how they get all that gravel on to the roof? I do.
It's still true today. Texas v. Johnson (1989) has never been overturned and probably won't be any time soon, given the current makeup of the Court.
The fun isn't slinging it up there. It's carting 500 lb wheelbarrows full around the roof and spreading it.
Like that's the most offensive thing in that picture the flag is touching. Edit: Didn't realize we were on the next page. As usual, I'm a day late and $4,598,349 short.
Would you believe I had to honk at a cop ten minutes ago because he was texting during a green light? Unreal.
What was that, six full strides directly at him with an attempt to cross-check? I hope he shattered his face. What a snake.
This made me laugh an unreasonable amount. So a bunch of schools around here are already cancelling tomorrow. I know the roads are still a shit show, but really? I honestly don't know what my school district is going to do. It is a big district (covers half a county) with a lot of backwards-ass country roads that rarely see a snow plow, so who knows. I just know I need time to get in there and get some shit done. I've done pretty much everything I can from home.
People ask me for weight loss tips. They want to lose X amount of pounds by Y date. So I tell them to make some significant changes and boom. Magic happens. Generally, things like not drinking sodas, taking sugar out of the diet, and not eating like they're a 400lb lineman. And they become confused and say that's impossible. Do I have a suggestion for like...a 10 day cleanse or something? What about that cayenne pepper lemon juice thing? I have nothing kind to say in response.
Never really thought about it but as far as k-12 with the temps being so god awful low they they would probably want to avoid any liability of some 3rd grader freezes to death at the bus stop or gets frostbite. They already have days at the end of the year built in if need be. It's all about over protecting the kids to avoid lawsuits. I went to college on the six year plan and we had only one friggin snow day the entire time. I know of one day after I left between now and this week but they've been off two days straight now and we didn't get more than maybe, MAYBE a half an inch the other night. I guess it's all just temperature. Of coarse my freshman year there was a week that was in the single digits with negative wind chill and I forced myself to endure walking to every class that week being a young naive freshman.
I don't know if tomorrow is about the cold. It is supposed to be up to 14 degrees, and there will still be a negative wind chill, but we've had school on colder days. I think it is because the school districts that are cancelling are, mostly, big districts that cover a ton of ground, and country districts that have a lot of back roads that are still in terrible condition. My district is in the same place, but they're also kind of stupid about when to cancel/delay and when not too, so who the hell knows what they'll do. My guess is, if they do cancel, it won't be until tomorrow morning, because of course. I just hate the "up in the air" of it all and not knowing what is going on. Even an email that says "hey, still evaluating road conditions, we'll let you know tomorrow" or "its looking like we'll be having school tomorrow." Something would be nice.