You're really missing out on a golden opportunity to screw with people. For instance, a laxative and habanero pepper diet. Taco bell and blocks of cheese. Asparagus and cranberry juice.
Asparagus and cranberry juice is my new answer. 4 12 oz glasses of cranberry juice a day. Unlimited water. 1 serving of asparagus for dinner.
But that one dude on Netflix lost 50 lbs and stopped taking allergy medicine because he juiced vegetables for a month. EXPLAIN THAT ONE TO ME MISS PALEO CAVEWOMAN!
I actually wouldn't doubt that. Without devolving into a foodligion discussion, removing processed/false foods and added sugar from a diet goes A LONG WAY to improving overall health. I'm not even talking about gluten, I'm talking about the shit that goes with gluten. And sugar. Sugar is the goddamn devil.
Step 1. Write an inspiring introduction about your life, getting to this point: Something something lessons, something something beautiful children, something something a bunch of references to quotes like "journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step" (Chapters 1-7) Chapter 8: Step 2. Creative photo of asparagus and cranberry juice for cover Step 3: Profit You can have the next diet best-seller.
And there is the call, tomorrow off too. I'll be drinking myself stupid and playing Assassin's Creed IV multiplayer til 1 am again!
Don't forget the "recommended" supplementary pills that will somehow magically remove all the toxins from your body as well as helping with the odor side-effects from aforementioned diet.
My friends are still stuck in West Lafayette since Sunday night. Supposedly I-65 just opened back up but they are recommending emergency vehicles only.
What's funny about the diet brainstorming session here is that on another message board we have been brainstorming how to make the bacon bowl even more heart-attacky. When you think about it, this is the perfect corporate long term diversification plan. One subdivision introduces a new Denny's Pancake Bacon Bowl Blitz and then six months later another subdivision publishes the Aspara-Berry Cleanse book. Meanwhile the clothing subdivision makes a steady fortune off the customers increasing and decreasing in size.
Fun fact from a lurker: The origin of the word "Parana" comes from a combination of an indigenous amazonian language and Portuguese, and means "River". The Parana River means: The River River. Carry on.
The fraidy cat white girl in me does not care about your bilingual logic. The FCWG in me says "IT'S PARANA. PA RA NA. FUCK NO." AsparaBerry is the perfect name.
I've been watching Supersize Vs. Superskinny on BBC. A doctor gets a horribly underweight person and a considerably overweight person to switch meal plans. The beginning of the show each person's diet is jettisoned down a tube so they can see exactly what they eat. Blows my mind how these people don't realize 4 candy bars and a lettuce leaf is not a healthy day's intake. "Well, I have no idea why I'm sickly and have no energy." Blows my mind even more when the guy intaking 11,000 calories of processed garbage and cola never realized his problem.
They did reopen 65, but a Semi (apparently) just slid off around exit 230 or 240, and its not closed, but it is still very shitty and way, way backed up behind that Semi. I also know that 26 and 52 going towards Illinois from West Lafayette are closed still, so that route isn't an option either. Long story short: They're still fucked for another day or two. I guess Lafayette got hit harder than we did up in "the region."