My red-headed friend said years ago that redheads tend to go gray earlier (also, hair is like pubes)* so she started coloring hers. One day I see her and it's black. Rather disconcerting to see a pale face with freckles with black hair. I guess sometimes the color doesn't come out right. *This is her comment, I really don't need 10 posts of redheaded women that people know that don't have pube-like hair. Besides, she's a nurse, it must be fact. Edit: Also, you spelled color wrong. Silly Canadian.
I find Redheads and Indians to be either very attractive or very unatractive. There's very few just average looking Redheads or Indians. That's Indians from India, not Native Americans - they're all hot. This is still a drunk thread iamdrunk.
Jesus, New York. Gets a bit chilly and everyone freaks out about it. This is what we call "winter" back home, not a news story.
For serious. Southern California, where I live now, has near perfect weather for humans. But I grew up in New Hampshire. I remember a particular winter as a child where the snow banks actually covered our 1st story windows blocking out any sunlight. I think there was a discussion here earlier like, which is better: too hot or too cold. I vote too cold is better. Foregoing technology that lets us rule over nature like heating and A/C, you can always bundle up in the cold and still be comfortable, but you can't get anymore naked than naked to cool off. Also, sweating is gross.
Apologies. We spell "colour" the way the English people do. I hear that hey may have had something to do with inventing the language.
Yes, the most natural and sought-after instinct in our entire existence is bad. It's bad enough we have to share the planet with the tumbling morons who write hateful trash like this, it's even worse that there's people stupid enough to think that they're smart. Here is other bullshit Germaine Greer spouts: ...Bat. Shit. Insane. And she's a "doctor" too but you probably already guessed that.
I'm assuming she's some kind of troll who only says shit like that because it gets her attention and she somehow profits from it.
She could absolutely be a troll, and I honestly hope so. The alternative is that there was clearly some sort of horrible situation that influenced the way that she thinks. Either she was raped, she had a mother like Carrie who fucked with her head, a boyfriend who fucked with her head, something. Hell, she could have accidentally stumbled across her dad's hardcore porn collection when she was 6 or something. I just can't believe that anyone who hasn't been traumatized in some way came to these conclusions organically. My pick is that it was her mother. "How is this a normal civilised, respectful way to treat anyone?" That doesn't sound like someone who is revolted by sex because they were raped. It sounds like brainwashing by someone who found sex distasteful and was terrified her daughter would try it and enjoy it.
There are many ways a woman can be brought to such low, shallow thinking but what is certain is that anybody who leads a normal, logic-directed existence does not think this way. ...what's frustrating is that this woman no doubt comes from a comfortable, progressive and civilized Western culture. She doesn't experience the REAL horrors women are subjected to, like religious genital mutilation or being set on fire for talking to man she isn't married to. It's fucking whining. And attention whoring. That's all it is.
All I know is Mrs. Noland is going to be pissed off when she finds out I've been raping her all these years. You know, it hurts to write a sentence that trivializes rape, but when you have someone who says that every single act of procreation in the history of mankind is rape, what else can you do?
Actually, you're not the one trivializing it. The idiot who wrote that is. Centuries of consensual rape, we should be all in prison. Being raped. Tell me something: the horror in Darfur, is that "Super Rape" or something? Because THAT reprehensible shit is the real deal. Best to my knowledge, women don't moan/scream with pleasure from sexual assault. Normal women enjoy sex for the same reason is men do: because it rocks.
I find this comment extremely disturbing. I mean, this woman is clearly crazy. I'm not excusing her views. But are you really going to sit there and say that a woman can't be really disturbed unless they're experiencing genital mutilation? Normal, you know, rape or molestation or abuse isn't enough to screw someone up? It's just whining if someone has fucked up sexual views because that person was merely forced to blow their uncle at 8 years old, and not stood up in the town square and had rocks thrown at them?
My neighbor above me is a fat woman who must wear wooden soled shoes. She walks around like a fucking clanking rhino. I know when she gets home from work and I know when she wakes up because of the stomping I hear. Fuck this person. Who knows, maybe the reason she's stomping around is because she's not getting raped enough. This woman is no different than the misogynistic, wanna be pick up artists. Clearly she must've had some bad experiences and never resolved them. So instead of finding an alternative viewpoint, she let those negative experiences fester in her head and they evolved into these kind of opinions.
What? No, I am not saying that at all. Jesus, I am not going to walk on eggshells with this, and stop twisting shit. The woman who wrote this tripe is saying all heterosexual intercourse is rape. I don't know how that ISN'T disturbing. That is not a fucking word you just get to throw around, it is the most traumatic and horrific crime in our society and we're just supposed to read that and stick our thumbs up our ass? She should be thrown in a rubber room and forced sedation. With how many naive people are out there, people like her are a complete menace. If a person has undergone a horrible sexual trauma than I have nothing but sympathy for them. But even they are usually mature enough to realize that if you are raped by a man, that doesn't mean all men are rapists. What the stupid bitch who wrote the article is saying is "All men are rapists". Period. Her article had nothing to do with forced sexual assault and third world horrors, she was saying straight-forward sex is a crime against humanity. That's wrong. She's wrong. Vitriol is not only expected towards an opinion like that, it's necessary. Germaine Greer has not undergone any horror like that. She is a Man-Hater. She has lead a comfortable upper-class life as a "doctor" and author and she wishes the male gender to be exterminated because of the bad representation certain men have given us over the years.
Defensive, much? The post you quoted suggested that she is mentally disturbed as a result of trauma in her life. Your post said that she hadn't experienced real trauma because she hadn't been mutilated or burned. I'm not twisting words here. It seems what you meant to say was that this woman shouldn't treat consensual sex as equivalent to all of the other horrendous things that happen around the world. But the context implied by your post didn't make that clear and suggested something much different. Go back and re-read it, and I think you'll see where I was coming from.
I watched his CNN morning show interview. It was amazing. It reminded me of the backstage interviews they would do with WWE wrestlers when they yell and point at the camera and spit while they talked. He's seriously off his rocker and that really saying something when you are talking about Dennis Rodman.
I actually read one of her books, Women Hating. She wrote that book in 1974, right after she got out of an abusive marriage and was working as a prostitute. She does talk about the concept of het intercourse as rape, along with cultural misogynistic traditions (such as foot binding), but there was a lot of anger in her writing, which I can kind of understand given her life circumstances when she wrote it. One thing I've noticed with a lot of the more extreme militant Feminists that have expressed these or similar views is their association with marxist, communist, and/or socialist movements or ideologies. When these Feminists talk of het-intercourse-as-rape theories they almost always frame it as going hand-in-hand with the evils of capitalism. I think some of these theories & ideas are an interesting read, given the era, but to see people spout the same ideas today comes across as ridiculous, unless they're talking about 3rd world countries where these theories are closer to the reality of the culture.