Having been raped/sexually assaulted...I can say with all honesty and experience - healthy sexual intercourse with someone you find attractive and sexually compelling is a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT experience than intercourse with someone intent on causing you pain and humiliation. Fucking cunt.
I think it would be hilarious if sports stars were actually able to post on facebook like this: http://profootballmock.com/nfl-qbs-talkin-on-facebook/
He has nothing on Ric Flair. If that man isn't elected President Of The United States some day then you'll have to take "In God We Trust" off your money. Woo!!!!! My god, that was fucking hilarious to read. Done to perfection, especially when "Romo" jumps in.
Rodman being friends with Kim Jung Un is kinda like a person thinking they are friends with a tiger. The tiger tolerates and is moderately amused by the person, but by no means are they a friend, and if the mood strikes it, it will destroy the person. Rodman is an idiot, but I think we figured that out in the 90s.
I can't even form a rational opinion about this. It's beyond any sort of comprehension that it doesn't justify a response. The one thing I will say, it must fill her with a burning rage knowing that she was conceived through the systematic rape of her mother.
Too bad she wasn't aborted. Maybe that's the set up. She gets her point legitimized. Then, for those folks who are against abortion except in cases of rape, then all abortion is okay because rape.
Johnny Football just declared for the draft. Dear God I'm glad I'm not in Dallas right now to listen to the speculation on what Jerry would do to get him in JerryWorld.
The most recent one is hysterical. <a class="postlink" href="http://profootballmock.com/facebookchat/nfl-qbs-facebook-wild-card-shuffle/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://profootballmock.com/facebookchat ... d-shuffle/</a>
I thought once the new weed law came into effect it'd be easy to find a store that sells non medical weed. Its fucking impossible to find these places. I've seriously researched for over a half an hour. Its ridiculous. I don't even smoke weed, I just want to check out one of these stores.
Well this seems apropos to our current discussion; I just listened to a man discourse as to why lesbians couldn't be vegetarian.
Man I just burnt the shit out of my hand. Pots straight out of the oven are hot as I have found out. Some nice blisters forming on my fingers and the bottom of my palm.
Wait until you go to rub one out later. Nothing really solidifies the pleasure of an orgasm like sloughing skin.
There's a new guy at work with all of these racial equality bumper stickers, and the license plate: BLKDRGN Which is kind of funny in and of itself. What's better, though, is that it's very hard to distinguish between a D and an O on a license plate...
I suppose if The Stranger is where you sit on your hand until it falls asleep, the "necroskin handy" should otherwise be called The Zombie.