My Boxer is in the middle of a full on hissy fit because we have him in the room with me while the kitty is playing in the house. I'm being pled with, eyed, howled at, barked (gruffly) at. He's all but putting out his bottom lip and pouting, while stomping his feet. I can't help but laugh at him, and it's making him even more indignant. I'm pretty sure he's going to shit in my shoe later.
Take the quiz: Is it IKEA or Death Metal? I got every goddamn last one of them wrong. F that language in its frozen asshole. Everything sounds evil. Oh, and since we're talking Sweden, here's Alexander Skarsga.. Skarasgwar... Skaz... that guy from True Blood shitting in the Arctic:
I wasn't keeping track, but I made a lot more "sounds about right" guesses than random guesses. And I still scored the same as you.
15/20. My roommates in school spent every fucking weekend at Ikea "furnishing" our apartment. When we all parted ways, there were 46 Allen keys in the junk drawer.
I recognize Lack, half the planet owned the coffee table you could also lift up and scratch your back with.
At the very least I am extremely skeptical of anyone who profits off of any extremist belief regardless of their past. If she hadn't profited from and pushed a political agenda based on the subject I could at least believe her views were genuine as there are a decent number of people who actually believe what this lady is preaching. Maybe she was traumatized and this is just her way of coping and trying to make a change, but I really doubt that. I wish it was as cold here as it is in the states. I'm ready for some damned snow already.
[/quote] Oh, drop dead. It's colder tonight than than the ninth circle of Dante's Inferno. I'd rather be in a shark attack than outside for ten seconds.
Hey, it's getting better here. We hit 12 degrees today! 12! The roads are still a giant mess, and people are still unable to go anywhere, but fuck it! 12 degrees! Every school in my region is delayed tomorrow, which (from what I hear) is a last minute Hail Mary to not miss another day. If they had to make the choice now, it'd be canceled again. They're all praying it gets better overnight and they can have school. A couple have already just cancelled and said screw it. These schools are ready to call it a week, and be done, just start fresh Monday. Seeing as I plan to go in early tomorrow for some prep time, they'd better not wait til the last second to call it if they do. I'll be pissed. I happen to know the two roads I take to work are two of the worst major roads in the region, but back roads are absolutely not an option. Fuck this weather, man.
Everybody told me how mild German summers were and cold the winters got when I first got here. It was actually hot during the summer and it's dropped below freezing like for 6 hours total. I'm just saying I like the snow and winter, I hate this constant dreary bullshit.
So, after you sell a few million books, win a Pulitzer, and become generally regarded as the greatest living American author, you still have a problem finding someone who isn't batshit. Not just a little batshit, but "sex act with a pistol" batshit. Cormac McCarthy's ex-wife arrested for domestic battery over fight about space aliens. Wow. She sounds like she is from Florida.
McCarthy is a genius, but you know he has to be at least somewhat crazy himself to come up with those novels. I guess we get to start seeing where he gets his material. I'm really late on this, but I just caught up on the whole PIV thing and I am… uh… wow. I really thought I had heard the craziest shit radical feminists could come up with, but they have proven me wrong once again. I don't think she is a troll. She is the female equivalent of the most hardcore PUA guys. She deserves a Darwin award. As I understand it you don't actually have to kill yourself to win one, you just have to remove yourself from the gene pool and I think it's safe to say she's done that with her paranoia over the weaponized penis. I won a poker tournament tonight and am unusually proud of myself. It was one of those games where I was just in the zone and made some ridiculously good plays. I bluffed all in twice and survived and on the second to last hand called a huge bet with bottom pair no kicker on a good read. In general I am a pretty tight player so I suppose that's why I'm enjoying this win more than usual. Ok, I can't help myself. McCarthy is the best. Period. No contest. Two of my favorite passages from Blood Meridian- The judge on war: Glanton at the fire: Ok, I'll stop pimping his writing at some point, but if you haven't read his books I can't emphasize enough that you should pick one up.
I got 17 out of 20 by educated guessing. And its ironic cause black metal freaks me the fuck out. Like I've met metal heads who were really nice people and there are people like Robert Smith from the Cure whose entire life is based on depressive and dark music but is actually a really pleasant guy, HOWEVER, I feel like any black metal fans I meet are fucking bizarre and you need to be a bit tweaked wrong to buy fully into all of that. That sinister riff and some of those promo pics were enough to make me uncomfortable.
The Scandanavian black metal guys... yeah, they take their shit pretty seriously, and they like to go that "extra mile" to prove it, such as burning churches and murdering fellow musicians. I do not miss apartment living. That said, I wish I had the opportunity to write a haiku like this:
My dog went outside and started barking like mad...which is strange because other than when he's trying to convince me he NEEDS to eat the cat, he's not a vocal dog. I went to the window to see what he was freaking out about... a giant fucking turkey buzzard was posting up on my dog. Wings spread and fucking hissing at him. I hate buzzards so much.