Isnt that why some cops are assholes? The power they never had? It sounds like a stereotype but damn if it's not true.
When I was in school, there was a bull dyke cop (not an exaggeration or stereotype, just who she was) who was known for using the taser on students. She was pretty notorious, no other cop had a similar reputation. Apparently saying anything other than yes sir (I mean mam) or no mam would be enough for her to say you were resisting.
It's not a stereotype. They don't profile enough when it comes to hiring these guys and many of them are either the ones who were bullied or even worse the ones that DID the bullying. They're dangerous people because it doesn't matter who you are-- a homeless person, working taxpayer or mayor of your city-- you are their bitch. I don't like that sort of power going to unstable morons with chips on their shoulders. In our city, they replaced all the cruisers, built an entire new central police station and after a never-ending cascade of rights violations and fuck-ups (they went door-to-door in university neighbourhoods and demanded residents give up all of their personal information including parent's addresses and SIN's!!!!!) they are demanding a 4% budget increase. The cops in this town make over $70,000 a year on average. Problem with cops is..... their job isn't really dangerous. Look it up, see how often an officer ACTUALLY gets killed in the line of duty. Then, look up how many people are killed on construction sites. The generic excuse from asshole cops is "You don't know what this job is like until you do it!".... well, you aspired for it, and signed up for it, and you wanted it. It was not forced onto you nor fell into your lap. You had to spend literally WEEKS of grueling and brain-tormenting phys-ed ("police academy") to have a license to fuck with all. WHY do you want sympathy?
I understand cop bashing as much as the next person, but this line is ridiculous. Sure, there cops that can go their entire career without even having to draw their gun, but to say the job isn't dangerous is ignorant. Besides that, it's not the "danger" aspect of the job that's the worst. It's the emotional/mental part, where they constantly deal with death and human suffering, whether it ranges from a homeless person who has overdosed to dealing in domestic situations where a minor has been subjected to abuse, sexual or otherwise. The hero complex certainly exists, but only applies to a small minority.
It is a stereotype. I have to disagree with this as well. I spent 12 years working closely with police of different agencies all over the country. The large majority of police really do want to protect and serve. The problem is, especially with those on the street, they meet and deal with people at their worst: drunk, in a violent situation, and or a potentially deadly situation. After seeing people and animals abused day in and day out, wouldn't you be jaded? And they are people as well, they have bad days and bad times in their lives. They have to go in to almost every situation thinking they're possibly risking their lives. I could never do their job and I have a ton of respect for that. Does that mean I'm not pissed when I got my last speeding ticket? No. And don't get me started on the state police captain who apparently couldn't stop creepily hitting on me (I'm a guy and he was too, supposedly happily married).
It's not a disrespect against the police itself. It's disrespect because it is so easy to become one, and when you do get a bad one they are almost impossible to get rid of them. Once again: they signed up for it, and they know what they're getting into. It's like a surgeon complaining that there's too much blood in their job. You should be mentally prepared before the job, there's no excuses. You're not cut out, become a bartender. It's not ajob you're supposed to do if you're NOT cut out for it. It is a tough job? Yes, but my two friends in town who are say it isn't as tough as it looks and said "It's 90% sitting in a car doing nothing." They should have to go to a real college and take real law classes. If you're giving them that much authority (and up here that much money), they should know every single aspect of the law. They should be public servants and not a head-crack wrecking crew. Police could earn a lot of respect back by getting back in the community more and stop with all this intimidation shit. Here are cops at the Republican convention in Tampa last year: ....I think the reason they look so pissed is because Arnie killed them all in Total Recall. Why does any cop need to look and dress that way? They're not even doing anything but staning there trying to scare people. It's supposed to be "protect and serve" not "Keep walking, faggot."
Crown, the whole they signed up for it shut up when it gets hard logic, is so flawed I'd swear your trolling. What would you say to soldiers who come back and have PTSD? Suck it up, you knew what you were getting yourself into? Or what about a cop who finds an abused child? Would you tell him its part of the job to deal with gut wrenching situations, get over it?
I... I don't even know how to respond to this. Okay, I do, this is retarded. The reason a cop's job is dangerous is because of uncontrollable variables. Construction and most industrial jobs are only dangerous when workers make the jobs dangerous for themselves by ignoring safety regulations and not using common sense. I sympathize with cops because I'm not going to let a tiny portion of the police force taint my views on them when almost all of them are doing a perfectly acceptable job and the fact that they chose to do an extremely stressful job that is a service to me makes them all the more deserving of some sympathy, in my opinion.
This just keeps getting more and more ridiculous. You do realize how completely impossible that is, right? That's part of the reason why police departments will have divisions that specialize in certain crimes, since it's completely impossible to do what you're asking. Lawyers are the same way and they spend years in law school just to end up specializing in one type of law and despite all of that schooling they aren't infallible.
All I know is that Dixiebandit is raging in his cell that he's not able to contribute to this particular topic of conversation.
That's riot gear, I'm not sure bikinis would have been appropriate. I have no problems with cops preparing for the worst, but the amount of discretion they have in the field is scary.
I don't have any particular beef with the police, but I am troubled by the seemingly increasing militarization of police forces. I read the stories about SWAT raids on completely innocent people because someone fucked up some paperwork, and the thought that cops could come into my house and any time and murder me yet seemingly face no more worse repercussions than "lol our bad" scares the shit out of me. I don't necessarily blame the cops themselves, but the attitude among policymakers that enables this type of policing is very disturbing.
Sorry, I guess I'm not walking on eggshells enough here. Most of them do a good job and some of them DON'T. The problem is the one's who don't do a good job hardly ever get weeded out. In any so many other jobs when you start breaking the rules you are fired and not let in the building. Up here, a policeman pleaded guilty to beating up an innocent motorist who couldn't give a breathalyzer because hey were having an asthma attack and the punishment was three months suspended with pay, and get this: four weeks of anger management. Don't you think an assault like that (be hit him with the baon and kicked him in the rib while down) warrants you prison time? It would for anybody else but he gets punished with paid vacation. That isn't right. This is where the bad apples come in to play with the police: they realize they're practically untouchable and the utilize it. The problem is THESE are the guys who society brings the judgement down on cops. The ones who are always doing things like help somebody change their tire or give a stumbling drunk a safe ride home never get mentioned but the cop sexually assaulting girls in bars and using his badge to keep bouncers from bothering him sure as hell gets mentioned. Police certainly do their job and we would not be safe without them, but there's not much out there to protect you FROM the protector is he is not on your side. If a cop screws up or lies to you, who is his superior going to believe if you want to report him? Police back each other up like soldiers or friends or any other tight-knit brotherhood and it's horrible for people who do happen to get victimized by them.
Hey remember when we used the holiday thread to get drunk and get naked for strangers? Peppridge Farms remembers. Those were the days. All of you deserve a stint in the pokey with a 300 pound cellmate named Pinky who's in for sexually assaulting a tiger. I'm going to crack open a beer. Then post titties. Because if those two things don't get you people in the Christmas spirit, I'm sure the inevitable argument about politics will. I swear to Texas Jesus if you get my thread closed before I get sloshed and hit on someone, anyone (poorly), I will find you. Oh. Wait. Boobs. Right.
Serious question. How many of ya'll have had to deal with a dick cop when you were doing no wrong? I hate the white privilege shit and all, but as a white male I've never dealt with cops who were assholes except when I was completely in the wrong. I'm assuming I get some leeway due to the fact that I'm a local in good ole boy land, but some of these anti cop things include things I've never seen. We've got some asshole cops just like anywhere else, but I've never been flat out bulldozed.
I got pulled over by the cops last week, they were really nice. No cop wants to fuck with a guy in a $350k car. Wish I could afford that $350k car. In general life I've had nothing but positive experiences with the whollopers, but then I've always respectful and polite, goes a long way.