No need for beatings. I'd be content just watching them squirm while giving them an involuntary delousing.
You wouldn't unholster your weapon either if most of your antagonists and criminals were under 120 lbs. And I think its a profoundly stupid idea to treat a drunken frat bro or 250 lbs, drunk off of Bud and Jack Daniels, Billy Bob who is looking for a fight like a small lost child. Lets not go too far in the opposite direction
Fuck that, dudebro. I'd rather square off against some large-type slob than some mild-mannered zen master who can chop me in half with his mind by utilizing brain Aikido. You know those little guys who just stand there during a huge brawl looking menacing then at the last second they jump in and kill everybody? They all live there. And they will FUCK YOU UP DUDE.
If you feel fine being disrespected so blatantly go ahead, but at the end of the day, if you choose to act like a child, AND break the law, you deserve to at least be in handcuffs. The fact that "career criminals" exist, mean the justice system is broken. You would be surprised how many people who deserve to be in for a long time, walk free. I will admit that minor drug offenses are a waste of a jail cell, and rehabilitation is sorely lacking. It's all a cluster fuck.
The best thing as soon as these anti-conformists spend the day raging against the machine and promoting anarchy they all hit up Tweeter's parents' lake house for a huge kegger. The whole aspect of hippies is a dead-end belief. 1967 is not coming back again, that's the whole point of time. The government doesn't have to play the game your way. It's the opposite, and they won't listen to you when you look like you play jingle bells for The Magnetic Zeroes.
I can't believe you guys are intimidated by police wearing roller hockey gear. This is how the Russians do the riot gear. And remember they don't specialize in hippy bashing, they specialize in kicking the shit out of everyone in their path. Men, women, small children, puppies, it doesn't matter. Edit: Apparently my pictures never show up for some people, if someone could send me a PM with the non-stupid way to do it that'd be appreciated.
Note the bulges on the knuckles in both photos: Sap gloves, kids. Knuckles loaded with tiny steel ball bearings or lead buckshot, usually. I think the Tampa cops, glives ate just a did chuck of alloyed plastic. You'll break a thick man's ribs with one punch. The DO look kind of Mad Max Hockey Pirate-ish from the waist down, though. It's funny.
One more photo. People think American police are bad, they have nothing on their Russian colleagues. I imagine that may sting a bit.
I am black, I live in a major urban population, I have not once had one negative interaction with the police. Therefore if you have, you all criminals in denial. Please turn yourselves in. I do remember this time as a kid where I walked into Dunkin Donuts as a kid, and there were like 5 cops. I just blatantly asked one, "Why are cops always eating donuts? Why are you guys always in Dunkin Donuts?" One of the cups walks up to me, unsmiling, adjusts his shades and says serious as fuck. "It is required by law." Then they all just rolled out at once. I believed it as a kid, but a few years later realized how goddamn funny it was.
The problem is simple: you need to black it up more. Wear a hoodie and walk around with your hands deep in your pockets. You'll be tripping and falling onto half a dozen nightsticks in no time. I mean, look at your photo. Wearing a nice suit, casually throwing playing cards around like Gambit...HOW is that threatening? I can't tell you how many times I've been hassled by racist cops. Me and the knuckleheads will just be catching a breeze on the corners when 5-0 rolls up in us one time. of course, we look like your typical "welfare whities" wearing the generic Dockers and sweater vests. "You know the drill, ladies!!!" And next thing you know we're being unlawfully searched for concealed Blackberries and Redbull. But hey, The Game is still The Game.
So, if "three wolf shirts" are cool, are "one wolf* and one naked woman shirts" cool? I was thinking about getting one printed from this photo. *Pretty sure that's not a wolf.
Just look at his eyes. He looks like he wants a great big puppy hug. This coming from the Wayne Brady of TiB.