Especially since she just field dressed his brother and made a coat. Not sure about the shoes, though. If you need a warm fur coat, is it practical to have open-toed shoes like that?
Since the three wolfs shirt was brought up, this seems like a good time to note that I want this t-shirt: Spoiler
Are they cougars or ocelots? I want one with three Jack Palances instead of wolves. Grizzled: that what melts girls' drawers.
Not to start a whole thing, but does anyone on the board find Uma Therman hot? Not fuckable but actually hollywood gorgeous. I've only ever found her attractive in The Producers.
I find her attractive, but not Jennifer Anniston/Scarlett Johannsen-Hollywood gorgeous. But she made my knees knock in Kill Bill.
Nope. She's been sexy at times, but never in a Hollywood attractive sense. This is a good tangent. "Hot" actresses that you don't find attractive, even by normal people standards. I'm not talking up against people who are famous because they are attractive, I mean good at acting. But rather you wouldn't look twice in a bar. My list starts with: 1) Kirsten Dunst 2) Cameron Diaz 3) Kat Dennings
Hey. What happened to ballsack's insanely racist post? I had a response to make to it and now its gone. edit: nevermind
I thought she was hot in Dangerious Liaisons, altough that may have been because her tits looked absolutely fantastic in that movie.
See I think Kat Dennings is gorgeous. Kate Winslett is fairly average in my book. No one is ever going to convince me the chick that starred in twilight is anything more than strong six/ weak 7. And hotter than Charlize Theron! Fuck off with that nonsense.
Debra Messing Gennifer Goodwin Amanda Bynes ... Although they're not good actresses, either. If you think they're hot, you have Celebrity Blindness.
Haha, yeah the first thing that came to my mind was that her incredible body is the only part of her that is sexually attractive. She has a strong screen presence and she seems like someone who I would like as a friend. She just doesn't seem to have sexual magnetism.
Someone pour me a beer Ha, ha. Who thinks the ones in that list are hot or good actresses?! Or were you just fucking around? Kirsten Dunst and Kate Winslett were mentioned earlier. I find both of them actractive, but mostly because they've gotten naked on film. Both of them are miles ahead of that list, though, Crown.
I think she was seventeen when they shot that. You could do that in the 80's. Guys don't find her attractive because her eyeballs are two feet from each other. Whatever. She's tall and I like that.
I want to make sure I understand the rules: List someone whose career is hot right now, and I don't think they are attractive?
Don't be racist, we already have one of those. Just because I speak proper English, have a masters degree, and money doesn't mean I'm not your fucked up definition of black.