Subject: Holiday Drunk Thread I wasn't attempting to call you out. You mentioned the situation with Angel, and if you read the post, I want her to come back. I had no intention of taking away the board from her. It's not like that by doing that, I gained a bunch of Internet friends. I wasn't saying that you were being mean or anything to me. You mentioned it, and I'd been meaning to write a post asking for Angel to come back for quite awhile, anyway. Wasn't meant as a dig at you. I knew that "calling [Angel] out" was going to get me some hate. She is a vet and I'm a rookie. What bothers me about all of this is the content. I never made it personal with Angel. I didn't reference anything she ever said. I attacked the words in one specific post, that represented a greater problem of women-on-women bashing. Anyone could have said it, and I would have attacked the same post. I stand by that. I also don't know why you think I was trying to be funny or witty. I was trying to address the "why do women bash other women" issue, the same issue many male posters pointed out in that whole Maria Kang thing. I guess it's ok to point it out, but not try to fix it. But the post wasn't funny. Please don't make it sound like I was trying to make a joke out of it. It was meant to be challenging, and if it wasn't, those are shortcomings on my writing, which I can live with and try to grow from. But it wasn't written in jest. Did I get drop my nice voice when she retaliated? Sure. I was hurt. She called me dumb, poor, with low self-esteem, etc Instead of discussing the post, she attacked me as a person. So yeah, I put my bitch face on and fought back. Listen, I'm not going to lie- I was a lurker for so long because the board is so intimidating. It's a hard place to try to break into as a new kid, it's not a welcoming place. I've been posting more recently because I've actually met a few people because of tib who I genuinely like. And I'm sure lots of you have real friendships and relationships with other posters too, and if some rookie bugs your friend you're going to want to defend them. But if I'm going to be unliked, I would like it to be because you don't agree with my stances, not because you misunderstand or misconstrue what I was trying to do. I was trying to challenge (man how many times have I written this) someone to recognize that kindness to women starts with women being kind to each other, but it's turned into something completely false. And that's sad. Anyway. I'm going to do what I think is best for everyone here. I've spent most of the day feeling sad for bothering the board, for being misunderstood in intention, and genuinely for making Angel feel like she had to leave; I think I'm too sensitive and maybe too immature and maybe even not smart enough to hang. Tell Angel I won't be posting anymore so she can come out of hiding. TIB, thanks for the good times and sorry for my part in the bad. I'll miss a bunch of you, but things will probably go back to normal now.
I generally don't care about board politics and if this place disappeared tomorrow I would hardly notice, that said, I will comment that this community certainly has an opinion, and if you run counter to that you will get ran out. I imagine any person who hasn't ever posted here would be quite intimidated by that.
Holy shit. When did this place turn into Days of our Lives? A few ideas: 1) stop taking shit so personally and seriously. There are people here that I can't stand to even read their shit, so I ignore it. They red dot me on occasion and it usually consists of telling me I am a terrible person. I don't take it personally because this is an internet message board, so who really gives a fuck. Don't boomerang rep, don't try to get them back, just don't care. I think I've given 1 red dot in the last year, because nothing that is said here by anyone is worth getting angry over enough to be an insulting twat. When I did Give that red dot, I immediately wished I could have taken it back, because why on earth did I care? Who gives a fuck what someone on a message board thinks of you, which brings me to... 2) if you're going to take your ball and go home because you got into an e-tiff with another member, don't make a post about how you're leaving. It reeks of "please someone validate me and tell me to stay!" This isn't directed right at Crazy Asian (who, for the record, I like and I find to be a good addition to this place), she just happens to be the most recent. Winter bike did the same thing and it ended poorly there, too. Next... 3) If you find yourself spending even one minute of your real life worrying about what someone on an internet message board thinks of you, stop. Just stop, relax, and remember the opinions expressed on this board mean, for the most part, nothing. Their opinions of you won't change your life, or your job, or your real-life non-board relationships. If you can't accept this basic fact, it might be best to not participate. Finally... 4) This place is supposed to be fun. Maybe the holidays turned us all into a bunch of cranky fucks, but how is every thread devolving into flame wars recently? Maybe we need to start policing shit more? Start deleting posts that are direct attacks on other members, and stop tolerating that shit. It seems like it used to be a hard and fast rule here: no politics and no directly attacking another member, but lately both of those rules have been bent or broken constantly and it hasn't done anything to make this place more entertaining, unless you like internet drama. Which I do, so fuck it. In conclusion: carry on. I'll be in the corner eating popcorn and enjoying the train wreck.
I made it to a Buzzfeed article via Reddit? Cool I guess? <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... r?s=mobile</a> Mine is #13
First Winterbike, now crazy asian? I don't know who I'm going to turn to for all of my aerobics and/or karate related questions.
This. A lot. The only think that keeps this board marginally above countless others like it is that people who don't toe to the cultural status quo can make their opinions known and not get shouted down.
I think we all need to stop beating ourselves up and go back to hot chicks and the wildebeests who blind others with their fame. It was less Jonestownish.
In honor of Christmas, I think a sexy miss santa is in order. And in honor of Haunakah (and I know that happened a while ago), a sexy Jewish girl.
OK, I will do it..... crazy asian, please come back. I like your point of view and genuinely enjoy reading your posts angel - come on, you know you are tougher than this. Are you going to prove that you are the REAL crazy asian, I think NOT winterbike - I enjoyed your naked chest immensely and would like to see more photos dixie - are you gonna let a little thing like incarceration keep you from this place? etc etc etc. Can we all be friends now? On another note, I swear my entire college campus must have an orgy, one big disease ridden orgy. In the past week or two, here are the things that I have had to diagnose and inform the carriers of.....chlamydia x 5, gonorrhea x 4, genital herpes x 2, HIV x 1, and one case of raging anal warts.