I wish I had never made my wife watch The Usual Suspects, she still will argue and argue that Keaton is Keyser. Not sure why she doesn't get it but I am done discussing it with her, she can live in her own little fucked up world.
What? How the fuck does she explain the reveal in Kujan's office? How does she explain Verbal getting into the car with Soze's lawyer?! Or him, not being a cripple no less. I bet she can't explain why Batman and Bruce Wayne are never in the same scene either. Oh, and if I just spoiled Usual Suspects for you, go fuck your face for not having seen it by now. You deserve it.
Wow. There are half a dozen things in the last five minutes that plainly show it's Verbal. That's like arguing gravity.
How you say? Because she thinks she is so fucking smart and has it figured out before the movie ends therefore dismissing the final scene and the whole dialogue in Kujan's office. She has total disregard for the barber shop quartet and the timeline of the movie. This is making me angry reliving the discussion of the movie I have with her.
So on the tv we have in the waiting room, 'The View' was on and I saw that Jenny McCarthy is now one of the hosts. I have no idea what sort of enlightened opinions she has to bring to the table. I said this out loud and supported it by saying that she is "one of those anti-vaccine people". Turns out that she has a supporter who works at the front desk. This woman then went on to tell me that she is convinced that it actually gave some of her cousin's children autism. She was dead serious about it too. And I didn't quite know how to respond. Because I had never met a real anti-vaccine person. I thought they were just some people you read about. Not someone who works in a medical office. I tried to explain to her the difference between causation and correlation, but she wasn't hearing any of that. After my semi long-winded explanation of how its unprovable and that there is nothing definitive showing how getting a vaccine directly causes someone to get austism, her scientific response was "no no, thats not true." And then proceeded on with anecdotal evidence. She described the kids symptoms and none of them have anything remotely to do with autism. She talked about motor skill deficits and signs of other forms of mental retardation. All of which aren't symptoms of Autism. In short, I work with an absolute mongoloid. And at first I was afraid that I offended her, but now I don't care.
There's two types of people I can't stand/tolerate, creationists (sorry about the religion part), and anti vaccine people. Both are intolerably stupid. Anti-vaccine people literally baffle me. Most of them are to the point where they'd rather allow children to get whooping cough/polio because of their belief.
I beg your fucking pardon? How is this possible? The entire end sequence was explicitly about Verbal being him. Hell "Soze" is a direct translation of the word "verbal" in Turkish. Can you please explain her reasoning?
Jenny McCarthy is a idiot and anyone who bases the anti vacc I know I've wrote about my cousins before but they are, of course, anti vaccine people. They firmly believe that the government has a cure for autism but refuses to release it.
Not all relgious people are creationists either. My old roommate called himself a "thoughtful Christian". I always enjoyed that.
I know, and really appreciate that, thats why I didn't say Christians or religious people. I find only a very small, outspoken, minority fit that bill.
For me, it was the fact that this woman works in a medical office. Had medical knowledge (I hope) and still thinks these things. Thanks for bringing back measles.
I SWEAR TO KRAMPUS IF YOU RUIN MY HOLIDAY THREAD I WILL VACCINATE ALL OF YOU. In other news, I think I missed Krampus Day. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/the-truth-about-krampus" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/th ... ut-krampus</a> Krampus bless us, everyone.
Aren't they all supposed to be that? Unrelated, WonTon soup for lunch. Do you guys know how many different variations of this soup there are from one place to the next? Bazilliions. The Thai place does it and it's got sweet undertones. The Chinese place has the worst, the broth is a dark brown rather than the light color of chicken broth. Ew. After trying it from several places around the office, this is the best and closest to what I've had in the past, like and know to be WonTon soup. Further unrelated, FUCK THIS COLD ASS WEATHER. Sure the hats, gloves and scarves are cute and all but not enough to compensate for the brutal damn cold outside. SGEDIT: And that pic up there ^ is scary and weird. Kinda like the poster that put it up I suppose.
Honestly, even though its been incredibly cold in Denver, I don't mind it too much. Its cold yea, but there's no wind so its tolerable. Its pretty easy to dress warm enough. Btw, can anyone else spot the cold front on that map? Kind of hard to decipher where it is...
I know right? Its 80 outside. The contrast between the heat and amount of raking I need to do is driving me crazy.