I'm only going on gut here, but given the amount of research I do on political/economic events in the US, I feel pretty solid in saying the following: Marijuana will be legalized when the large drug companies have everything in place to begin selling it themselves. The amount of money they dump into elections is staggering. So following the money, once everything is in place (and I'm sure all big five Pharma companies are all over this already), you'll see the miraculous: Legalization. Shortly followed by ads from GSK and others touting how their weed complies with all federal regulations (which they will have written). Boy, I do love the Big Money. Get on the side of that (in the US) and you're golden. If I had a marketing degree, I'd be shopping myself to the Pharma companies to get that ball rolling. IF they haven't already.
As far as 80s Kelly LeBrock goes, holy hell. I would drag my balls through a mile of broken glass just to hear her fart through a walkie-talkie.
I think the Pharma concept is interesting, seeing as how this won't be labeled a pharmaceutical I imagine they won't get in on it. Could be wrong, but I think its much more likely people who have the infrastructure to grow the weed will get into the game. So PM, etc. Its one thing to produce a drug, its another to grow a crop. Totally different game. If they were producing canabanoid tablets I'd see Pfizer, Merck, GSK getting into this, but thats not the product that will be produced, so I don't think they will. I imagine one day we'll see ads for whichever weed touting its relaxing, non habit forming effects, probably with a hot girl on it holding a joint. I imagine we won't see many of these people on the labels.
It was really hard to be sexy in that decade without looking ridiculous. She pulled it off in spades (see also: Woman In Red). Susannah Hoffs from The Bangles. She was 5'1" of POW-POW. Those eyes could burn a hole through steel.
Florida will become the 52nd state in the nation to legalize it (after Guam and Puerto Rico) in the year 2050 after untold thousands die from easily treated, pain related maladies. You think I'm being snarky, I'm not. I take pain seriously. And this state has a history of fucking its citizens; almost as though it was a sport. As soon as pot is legalized there will be a fortune to be made. We have millions of old fogies with creaks and aches and glaucoma and they are all very pissed the DEA has been fucking with their pain meds. Take those millions of old fucks, double it, and then you have a fraction of the number of degenerates that just want to get high. Who wants to go into business with me? It'd be like taking candy from a baby even after the government takes 70% of the earnings. We need a lawyer to get through the red tape, a few backers, a hippie to man the counter, and a hot chick to pose with some juicy nugs for the adverts.
I'll do the law bit, if you want, but be forewarned. Me doing the law will mostly consist of me screaming 'HOLY SHIT, WE'RE ALL GOING TO JAIL' Probably only six times a day. Otherwise, I'm in.
and another one from Colbert Report. There was another joke during the British comedy awards, too. I'm waiting for the Dance Remix version or something.
Another school shooting in Colorado. This time it happened around 15 mins from where I live. I drive by the school every time I skate. I don't know what it is about this state, but there's been some really tragic events in the last 15 years. Columbine, Aurora, Arapahoe High. These places are all relatively close together. Its so weird because these area are really nice and safe (except for Aurora which really isn't all that bad).
Finally bit the bullet and picked up my painting today. Here's a pic of it in all its glory- [rnsfw][/rnsfw] I think I found the perfect spot for it there.
What artist believes that would bring an office together? Yeah, the vampire from Pardon Me, But Your Teeth Are In My Neck with all the colour of a Wes Anderson wardrobe won't look weird at all.