You know they ARE jokes, right? This is the last place in the world you're NOT going get the hammer for saying something like that.
I'm aware Crown. The post to Toddamus is because he's been e-stalking my posts the past month or so and has to interject with mindless babble I'm sure he thinks is fucking hysterical. Back to the topic though. Is it even more weird if I include the fact that my dad is almost 11 years younger than my mom?
That's cute that you think I estalk you. I've never been accussed of that before. You need to lighten up, reminds me of when you accused me of assuming I am superior to you because your'e arger and I'm not.
Anyone here other than Popped Cherries notice that Toddamus was estalking him? Anyone? I'm just wondering if I'm not particularly observant or if perhaps this is all in his head. Aw look whose wearing a scarf for the holidays: Spoiler
Dear Santa, I know it's last minute, but I'd really really really like these for Christmas. I promise I've been a good girl. Sincerely, Angel Spoiler
The snow in our yard has frozen to ice. It's pretty hysterical watching the dog slip and slide trying to find a spot to pee. And why don't I get cards like this? Spoiler Oh yeah, because I don't know Bill Murray.
I don't think it's as common as it used to be. I've never had one, but from what I've heard from numerous people they have a habit of getting e-stalked if the red-dot the person more than once. This is what skyello used to do. Give him shit and you wouldn't shake him for months. So, yeah. That.
You know how I know he's a creeper? In his post trying to deny he's been stalking me, he references a post I made months ago. One I had to search for to even know why he's been commenting on my posts and red dotting me. Please beg for my return! It would make my year.
You could just keep your personal issues with other posters in PM's where those of us that don't give a fuck don't have to read it. I'm not trying to jump on you or anything, but keep that shit amongst yourselves. The lack of "drama" on this board is a huge plus to me.
I see we have started Festivus early. This must be the airing of Grievances. "I got a lot of problems with you people!" --Everyone on this message board, apparently.
I'm going to return all your presents you guys keep fighting. Don't think I won't. Here, watch a woman almost getting flattened by a tree:
That's fine, I don't particularly care for the drama either. It's out there now and hopefully he will just drop whatever his issue with me is and leave it at that.