I don't have an issue with you. Its all in your head. Sincerely, I don't efight with people, its gayer than two dudes tag teaming each other.
After that fucking temper tantrum and subsequent "leaving the board", you're still going to act like the internet doesn't bother you?
So my first thought was "Jesus fucking christ on a pogo stick." Then I decided to google image search it. Then I found these: Spoiler So now I kinda want jesus christ pogo stick flip flops.
If this were the old board, the mods probably would have changed your username to "Motherfucker" by now. No offense, I just think it's funny.
Every now and then while I'm browsing the internet, I'll find something that's really not that funny, pretty hysterical. And it gives me the giggles where I can't stop. My husband says he's going to ban me from my computer after 11. Anyway, here is the image tonight that has tears running down my face. See, it's happening again! I can't even look at it! BOTH the comments are funny. It really looks like his face is embroidered on a hand towel! Good stuff.
My question is, where's iczorro with his Oh Holy Night link? Jesus, I can't start my holidays without pumping that at work at least a few times.
Don't be in a hurry: Shegirl isn't around. Preach, man. That show was so stupid. I don't know how it continued to always win the ratings every week during its run. Or how it could continue to be so popular in syndication. Everyone else in the world is so misguided. Angel, iczorro has already posted the cassette tape in this thread.
Thanks to Seinfeld, I believe in Georges two world theory. And I'm not fucking around. In any relation there needs to be an independent version of you and a relationship version of you. If those two collide then you blow up and cease to exist. I've seen and been in relationships were you lose your independence and what you end up with is a single being. You need to have friends outside the relationship, you need separate friends.
Seinfeld is like NEil Diamond: you either like him or you think he sucks. I liked the show, but I fully understand why people hate it. It's just an acquired taste. The thing that sold it was really the way the episodes were constructed because there was no reason to root for the four characters.