Just watched it since you guys recommend it and one of my friends is big into wine and is trying to get into the biz as a career. It was fun but I agree with most of your conclusions. Ian was a dildo and I'd have left out him passing just because I know the audience would be rooting against hime anyway. I really wish they would have spent more time on the old guy that was the first American to pass. He was a real character but I guess the film was more about potential candidates than history. I don't know if it's still on Netflix but "Special When Lit: A pinball documentary" was really good. Popcorn history filled with tons of oddball characters that are big in the world of pinball. If you don't like Seinfeld, you are a communist.
So I was perusing some old message boards I used to frequent ages ago, and came across a post I made wherein I mention that I hadn't had sex in three years. I made that post in 2006. I bring this up because out of anyone who has a reason to be wound up, it's me, yet I manage to remain more relaxed than apparently the many people here who seem get into these little drama conflicts on an internet message board. Seriously, maybe some of you need to begin partaking:
It took me about 45 seconds of watching before I noticed george on the floor. Between Jerry's shoes, pants, shirt, and both his and Elaine's hair, there's just so much early 90's in that gif.
As requested, here is the beer pong table I started to make on Friday afternoon. Just waiting on some stickers from a mate to cover it in.
I'm as impressed with her finger dexterity as with the deep throating. I can't raise one finger at a time like that without keeping my pinky kinda tucked in my palm. I must say, also, that that gif would be better (by a factor of a million) if you could see her tits.
And, yet, as a young (then) wasp-y dude living in the South, I loved it and connected with much of the humor on many different levels. That show was great. I loved all of every episode. Except the finale. It was weak. One of my all-time favorite episodes was the one where Kramer got the old Merv Griffin set in his apartment. The bit was able to combine the nuances and flaws of each character right into the outlandish silliness of doing such a thing. Hilarious. I get it. If you don't like it or it's not your taste, I understand. It's difficult for some people to watch other people having fun. But, it's not terrible.
I liked Seinfeld because I felt like a lot of the humor was relatable. I found George to be a little cringeworthy because of the humor. And then Curb Your Enthusiasm came out, which I liked but found even harder to watch. And it was because it was pretty much a show about the person George was based on. It you can stomach that awkwardness, theres a show that just completed its first season on HBO called "Hello Ladies". I had trouble getting through the episodes. Not because it was bad, but because it was written in a way that made you feel super awkward. Was like Curb, but on crack. And none of the characters were likable, but I think that was the point.
Yes, that's Stephan Merchant, Ricky Gervais' writing partner. They did a show called 'Extras' that was incredibly awkward, but hilarious. They also did 'Life's too Short' with a little person as the main character, which was equally awkward yet hilarious. That's the tough thing about Merchant and Gervais's humor, is it can be difficult to watch, but afterwards, you can't help but laugh. For instance, there's an episode of Extras that Gervais's character gives a homeless guy money, but wants change. Unbelievably awkward, but incredibly well done and hilarious.
My favorite Ricky Gervais performance is the Golden Globes from last year or the year before. He pretty much turned it into a Hollywood flame war. I laughed so hard I was in tears. I don't think he was invited back.
I don't know why awkward is the new funny. Awkward is not funny. At all. It's why movies like I Lone You Man suck HPV cocks, it's why shows like Girls and Hello Ladies suck HPV cocks along with them. Awkward is uncomftorable. But it is NOT comedy.
To be fair, you seem to have lived a different sort of life from me. This is not a bad thing, my only point is that when I look back on my life, I have done so many incredibly awkward and stupid things all I can do is try to laugh through the pain. I guess because of that frame of reference I find awkward funny, because I can't deal with it any other way. To those who haven't that frame of reference I say a hearty 'Well Done' is in order, because such a life has eluded me for most of my life. I'm dead serious about that, by the way.
I agree. Even though Merchant's character isn't the most likable guy, I can relate to how he felt. Similar to the way I was at 18 or 19. He wasn't being truly himself and was trying to be someone these model types might go for. And would do anything to make that happen. The not so likable part was that he would stomp all over his friends at even a minor prospect of a girl getting with him. And then come crawling back when he would shit the bed.