Sign #398,768 that I'm getting old, given the choice of the two in that picture, I'd take mom. The daughter is very pretty though.
Our company is doing that, but not to be cheap. We do it for liability reasons. We used to rent out an event center and have an open bar for a bit, then the employees pay for it the rest of the way. Then we realized how fucking stupid that was. So this year we're holding it in a brewery/pub and paying for one drink, because we don't want to be sued into an oblivion if some asshole gets drunk and hit someone in their car.
Have I introduced you to the dog that I casually emailed about a month or two ago? Congrats on the newest member of your family. I never found Lea Thompson as that beautiful, but I must say it would be reassuring to the young me to know that all the boys thought so since she is very girl next door and relatable. Kind of in the same vein, but I think is more beautiful is this one
No, not serious. Saw a punch line and went for it. Which is what the college girls I slept with always said. Heyooo. And, yes. Several different ones actually. And I am definitely not smooth. But, the good thing is college girls are not picky. 'wildered, that Boom Roasted was perfect timing. Uncanny, your appearances on those. But, in fairness, I was named in the FMK thread by somebody. And not as a kill. (forgot by who though - too lazy to look on my phone)
At age 70, he can just go on with his bad self. I finished wrapping! And as a bonus I found a Peppermint Pattie that I bought when out shopping Thanksgiving weekend. It was as delicious as I expected.
At our company party this year, they had a white elephant exchange. One of the gifts was a cock ring. The owner's wife was the one who opened it.
Interesting gift choice, I wonder why someone would buy that unless you work at a bar or strip club. If you work in white collar office that gift is a no win.
My work got me hammered for free. And I got a Keurig Vue as a prize. Consider me better than all of you.
Kubla, consider this my estalking of you... I didn't win either. I understand that you're more likely to be attacked by a polar bear, and a regular bear simultaneously, meanwhile being struck by lightning. I get that. However, for a few dollars I at least make myself eligible to win the money. By giving some nominal, insignificant amount, I made it possible that I'm able to win a vast sum of money. If you play the lottery constantly you're a moron, you're no different then someone who plays the slots constantly. If you play once or twice a year and throw $40 into it, its harmless and makes some anecdotal, if not mathematical sense.
They announced the numbers but not if anyone won or not. Man imagine how crazy it will get if the jackpot is over a billion. The friggin payout will be over 500 million.
I had not one but two functions for work where shitfaced for free was the norm. Second one had some really nice beers on tap too.
I'm surprised you didn't bring gallon jugs and pour the beer in there and bring it home with you. Considering how much booze costs out there it'd make sense.
I'm like you toddamus (in a totally non-estalky way). My husband went out to buy a ticket, but forgot. When he got home we were debating running out and getting one, and the point went from my "well, what's the point, we never even get one number" to his "well you can't win if you don't play". So he ran out and got our single ticket. I'll let you guess which one it was today. Oh well, one day it'll work out, i just know it!
If it were that easy then it could have been an idea but seeing as how it was just a pub with beer on tap and standard glass sizes I had to make do with drinking as much as I can without spewing. One asshole bartender cut me off just before the tab ran out even though everyone else there was happy to serve me.