So I've never been kicked out of a bar or been refused to be served. Maybe I need to do this before I turn 30, or maybe I should be happy I'm not an ass who would inconvenience my friends by getting overly wasted.
The trick is not remembering that it happened. If they were real friends they'd be too drunk to give a shit about the trouble you got yourself into.
I think that the only reason to get a lottery ticket is so you an day dream about how you would spend your winnings. And paying $2/$5 bucks to be able to muse for a week about who you'd share with and who you wouldn't share with and how you'd choose between an Aston Martin or a Ferrari get both is worth it.
What is it like with that many dogs? Legit question. I could see us with 2 dogs but I do everything with my Buddy; I am not sure I could keep it up with 3 or 4. I suppose the same thing could be asked of people with multiple small children but I don't want to go comparing my canine bff to a human child.
My sister has 3 young kids, the oldest if which is in kindergarten, with another on the way. It works but doesn't look fun all the time. Also the noise level is pretty outrageous at times. But the dog thing? I don't do small dogs and my dog is an inside dog, so there has to be a lot of time dedicated there for attention and activities. I just have no experience with the multi dog thing.
This takes us to three, the transition has gone well. We had the two older ones, and to be honest having two isn't much more trouble than having one. They play together, they walk well together, and after 10 years together, they are pals. We dont take them "everywhere" but it is pretty easy for the two of us to take them out to do things. With the addition of a third it is a bit more difficult. He is still very much a puppy (although a sweet one) so the original dogs are getting used to his puppy energy. They will all be friends eventually. The new guy has actually added some liveliness to the older guys. Where it is harder is walking, and I think it would be difficult for one person to manage all three out. If we are both there, it's fine. We had our first dog for about a year before we got the second and it felt like a good choice. I was happy that they had a pal for when we were at work. My dogs are all a bit smaller than yours, so maybe that is easier to handle. But dogs like friends too.
I'm convinced two dogs is preferred if you can swing it. A dog needs a dog companion. While one dog can integrate really well into a family, it seems that there may be something missing, some doggy socialization that they miss out on. Two dogs means they can bond, be dogs together, and in general get the non human contact they likely need. Here's a picture of my dogs, the one on the left has passed, but Rudy is still here and is great. They were great buds. They did everything together and didn't like being separated. For example if Cosby (the big dog) was on one side of the screen door and Rudy was on the other, they'd bark so they could be on the same side. Spoiler I think the mutli dog thing kind of works itself out. The one thing you have to be careful of is there will be a pecking order. You have to make sure that the dog you got first eats first, etc. Dogs are like people, they prefer a social hierarchy, if the dogs are unsure of who is alpha fights can happen.
Oh lordy. You don't decide which is dominant, they do. Don't think you can manipulate doggie pack rules to suit your ideas. My sister read all the books and knew best. Her dogs fought constantly, she rehomed one, and the original one is still a real asshole. You are right that dogs need socialization and companionship. You can set them up for success in a lot of ways but showing one preference and feeding one first is futile at best and counterproductive at its worst.
Fair points, Maybe we got lucky that Cosby and Rudy weren't really overtly dominant and got along well. Cosby's predecessor Toby, was hyper alpha and he let Coz know it. We didn't have to worry about who ate when, the pecking order was pretty apparent from the moment we got Coz as a puppy.
We just let them sort it out. We've obviously had a scuffle or two, but they are dogs, its what they do. I figure one will emerge as the doggy appointed Alpha and the others will fall into line as they are checked by the other.
I have no idea what we're talking about...all I know is that this post gives Juice so many reasons to post some gifs.
There were 8 bars in my hometown. By age 23, I and my friends weren't allowed in any of them. It's an incredibly easy feat actually. A fire in a toilet here, getting chased by the bouncer for running out of an unlocked cooler carrying 3 cases of beer there, and voila! 86'd. Also calling the home of a bar owner at 1:30AM and threatening to burn down their house for refusing to let you write a check at the bar works too. (Thankfully I didn't do that one, one of my friends did while I egged him on that it was a brilliant idea.) Of course that same night, I got so pissed they wouldn't accept a check from my buddy (Who in all fairness was a member of a VERY prominent family in the small town and who had no history of being a fuck up) that I remodeled the restroom for them. I ripped down the shitter wall and relocated the urinal in to the sink. On the way out I also grabbed the runner mats from the main entrance and threw them up on the roof of the building because they needed to be up there. On top of all that, my band is probably the only band in the history of ever to be kicked out of the bar we were actually playing in. That, my friends is an accomplishment.
Is there any other purpose to internet on a plane then letting everyone know you are on a plane? By the way, I am on a plane
I'd go with the opening of 'Flight' - the movie was so/so but that initial crash scene was insanely scary.
Another reason I couldn't be an editor . . . Any article with a headline that includes the phrase "Chicken Truck Fire" simply cannot be written this deadpan. The entire thing: I mean, that incident is a truck carrying honey mustard sauce away from being a Far Side cartoon.
A truck-crash headline landed our town in temporary celebrity: "Condom truck tips, spills load" Real snap-crackle-pop on the editing floor, morons. You can google it, I can't post the photo on my phone.
Have you ever noticed the only grown-ups that support abstinence either former teen moms or people that nobody of sober mind would fuck in a bed?