Yowza! There's my random exclamation for the day. Should be going into work for a full shift on my day off, but I got hit with a stomach bug. I'm going to assume it's the universe telling me to take my day off. Still have to go in and check on a few orders for some customers (because my rule of the month is "don't be the guy that ruins Christmas"). And tell a co-worker that his customer won't stop bothering me, and he needs to take care of some shit himself. I also found out that my dad is moving to Maine. He's been wanting to his entire life, and just recently the chance to do so came about, and very quickly. I'm happy for him, he's 60 and is doing what he's dreamed of since before I can remember. We have a family summer home near his new place, and next year I'm gonna go up to help open the camp. It'll be the first time in a long time that just me and my dad have had some time together.
I was on a flight from Cancun to Mexico City, and the guy next to me was watching a porn of some fat mexican chick getting the shit banged out of her, fat rolls flying everywhere.
I mean hey, you got to pick up some of the local fair while you're there. It's like trying the local cuisine.
I'm partial to Booyah! Just got out of the office holiday party. I am stuffed to the gills and wish I could eat more. There's a part in Catching Fire where they talk about barfing up their food so they can eat more. If I didn't have a serious aversion to puke, I'd probably seriously consider it.
The problem is that it's inevitably going to be some hairy overweight mechanic doing the demonstration, and ballsack isn't going to get halfway through the video before he starts touching himself.
I had McDonald's for dinner last night and McDonald's for breakfast this morning with no sleep in between. Take that, body! Ha! Me: 1, Joe: 0. As to why I'm here, I'm pretty sure I'm the equivalent of drunk right now. And you know what drunk people like? McDonald's. It is almost lunch time...
We were connecting thankfully, however it was on day four of swinefluapalooza. I told the story on the old board, but I had a bunch of hypochondriacs at my work, and they banded together to demand that I not be allowed back to work for another week. So basically it was have me here and lose a quarter of the workforce. So the company had no choice but to give me an extra week and a half of vacation paid. It was a great way to celebrate my engagement.
How does this happen. Some of you may have seen this in the news as I understand it made national news. A 16 year old from Keller, TX flips and crashes his pickup while drunk, killing 4 people and seriously injuring 2, one of whom is paralyzed from the neck down and can only communicate by blinking his eyes. His lawyer put up the defense of "Affluenza" whereby his rich parents spoiled him with everything but love and attention. He was sentenced to 10 years PROBATION!!! I know, he's a minor and apparently that's the max he can get, but in the state that leads the nation in executions, one would think our penal code wouldn't be so soft on such a horrific tragedy regardless of age.