His family won't be rich for long. The civil suits that are going to come out of that are going to be ridiculous.
We have our company Christmas party tonight complete with Ugly Sweater contest and a Screw You Santa. I think we're going to have about 75-100 people including employees, spouses, their kids, friends of ours, and some regular customers. At least this year I don't have to worry about cooking because we're having it catered. And since we're having it here at the bar I don't have to worry about someone else overcharging me for the booze. We have already talked to the cab company who we partner with so no one will be driving. I think it's time for a vodka and soda to put me in the right mood to start getting this set up. Merry Christmas Idiots!!
My 12-year-old can change the headlight in a car, and she doesn't even complain about getting dirt under her fingernails.
That's the defender for slaughtering human beings? You're a spoiled rotten beat and therefore undeserving of jail. He can't even have accountability for what he did? Fuck him. What a worthless little waste of space. He has no defence or excuse and he still skates. Money talks.
So his problem is that he's never been disciplined or had to take accountability for any of his actions because his parents are rich . . . so the judge decides not to punish him? That'll fucking teach him a lesson.
Seen this shit? Source: http://aattp.org/affluenza-judge-gave-14-year-old-black-kid-10-years-far-less-drunken-slaying-four/
I know I'm not much more than a lurker, but please, don't enable the stupidest, most played-out joke on the board. I'd rather see a thousand posts from 'Sack about "Tony Homo" and "Bellicheat."
I just read his parents have been arrested get this-- a total of twenty times-- and they're rich. Ummm... How are losers this pitiful also super-wealthy?
Im all for people getting DUI a second chance depending on the circumstances. You kill four people though, you goin' to jail. I had never heard the law in Texas puts probation over jail time for minors in manslaughter cases. Shitty he gets a slap on the wrist for killing four people, if they make sentences more stiff you hear just a loud a chorus bitching our jails/prisons are over crowded and the like.
I didn't read the whole article, just skimmed it, but the kid lived in his own mansion as well. And the "rehab" center he's going to has horseback riding, cooking lessons, massages and all other kinds of nice stuff.
When did rehab become a retreat for spoiled rich kids? My mom went to rehab, aside from the whole detox bit, the experience seemed rather enjoyable and relaxing. Imagine you're immensely stressed out, then for a month or whatever, you go to a place where you get specialized attention and get your ego stroked. I'm sure poor people rehab would be different though.
Oy, yeah, it would be enjoyable and relaxing if my mom would go away to rehab, too. Especially this time of year.
The thing that pissed me off about my moms experience was that she used it as a retreat. She didn't give a fuck about getting clean, she went there so everyone would stop bitching her out about being a worthless pill popping, alcoholic. So for however long she was there, she got a reprieve from us yelling at her. As soon as she got back home, she was getting wasted and passing out at 3 in the afternoon again. Point being, rehab is fucking worthless if there's no commitment behind it. Most, if not all people who go to rehab, are doing it because thats what they are supposed to do, they have no real intent on sobering up because they didn't see what was wrong with getting wasted in the first place.
Anyone that thinks that you can recover from addiction from a few weeks at rehab is kidding themselves. And yes, while some people go to rehab with the sole intention of taking a break (from partying and for the reprieve from family members' guilt), others truely want to be clean but relaps anyway because addiction is ultimately a psychological disease. Recovery takes time, and in many cases the rest of an addict's life.