Peed on a stick this morning. Two blue lines. Freaked out. Bought two more, different types of sticks. Peed on one of them. Two pink lines. Freaked out. Peed on the other one. It blinked for awhile then said: YES+ So. There's that. Merry Christmas.
I mean, if you do it three times, you can't fuck it up right? Three false positives is highly unlikely, right? Because daaaaaaaaaamn.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 60252.html</a>
Heh. Thanks? I'm...still...stunned...outofmygoddamnedmind. So. Yay? Of course, The Husband has already left for Maryland, so I texted him and asked if I could call our unborn child Cletus the Fetus.
Did....did this just happen? Did someone brag about driving....a Jetta? You pansies and your four wheels.
Both of those are adorable names for a little girl. For a boy, you might try "Succubus" or "Beelzebub." Y'know, just going by your post history.
My wife got pissed because I kept calling the kid Dracula for the short time she was knocked up. Either that or Joe Kickass, I told strangers that's what her first name would be regardless of sex. You wanna see a woman roll her eyes into next week..
And while you're at it, just buy her a thong and some heels. With a name like 'Chastity' she's destined for the pole.
If its a boy you could name him Eugene, Brock, or Terry. All great names. And don't forget Rudolph too, a classic. You could call him Rudy for short.
False negatives are fairly common. False positives almost never happen. I like the names Ja'Quinda, Kwondaminton, Jay'mitton, Shaniqwyaaa, La'Quinta and Welfare. Good variety, don't you think?