...and good behaved kids know that JITS will be telling Jewey The Camel about them, who will soon show up in their homes with money and cigarettes!
It will be so much better later on when the show itself becomes a non-thing. That show is proof that the terrorists won.
People love it because they are funny and real. And have "good values". Well guess what? Each good thing has a bad side as well. Its like dating a fiery Latina. Yea, she can be hot and a little sexually aggressive. Maybe you like a girl who calls you on your bullshit. The other side of that is you better deal with the crazy cuntiness also that comes out when she sees you so much as glance at a woman's ass that isn't hers. Its like people are surprised that a religious conservative Christian family out of Lousiana had a member of their family say something like this.
No shit. I'm willing to bet whenever the camera isn't following them they're the type who yell TAKE WHATEVER YOU WANT!!! when a black guy asks them for the time.
They are the king of the monsters. The biggest dog there is. Funny thing is they're sweethearts when trained at home and they love kids, however people jump ten feet off your porch when they bark through the door. Ain't nobody breaking into your pad when you own a dog that can knock down a linebacker.
Breaking news: ignorant redneck doesn't like gays or blacks. News at 11. In my opinion, the bigger problem is that people actually listen to these people and provide them a platform for the stupidity to dribble from their pieholes. No different from Jenny McCarthy's crusade against vaccines - if she doesn't want her kid vaccinated, fine, but why does her acting mean she's an expert on medicine and deserves a platform? Why is anyone listening at all?
Because we're an instant-gratification culture and generation who doesn't want to invest the time and effort to actually research and form an opinion - we're satisfied being told an opinion and (in far too many cases) accept it without question. We've become so swarmed with information (good and bad) that we're losing the ability to discern what's valid from what's garbage.
If someone wants to see me get fired up, start arguing against vaccines. Thats one of only a couple things that I cannot let go of.
You and me both. When my daughter was 2 months old I took a picture of her after her shots and posted it on Facebook saying how it was worse on me than it was her. I had at least two comments asking how I could do that to her and how sad it was. People assume that I didn't do my research just because I landed on vaccines. People who don't understand herd immunity piss me off. Of course the people who commented also birth their kids at home, homeschool, and don't get their kids social security cards so I'm not sure why I was surprised.
God I can't wait for the Duck Dynasty shit to blow over. Fuck I remember how everyone thought The Jersey Shore was proof positive it was the end times and America's empire had finally started to crumble. Where the fuck are those idiots now? Who cares? Seems like no one since another fake reality show has taken their mantle.