It doesn't matter what show it is, it matters that it embraces and champions being a mouth-breathing monglotard. And people root for them. Buy shirts with their photos on them and wear them. In public. Where other people are. Do they not know we can see them?
If the show ends up cancelled or moved to some random station, 6-12 months from then no one will give a fuck.
I'm sure if we knew what they were saying half the time, it would probably be offensive as well. Barring subtitles of course. Which only further illustrates what its like to have the vocabulary of a 3 year old with a speech impediment.
What kills me is that people now wear clothing/swag that has to do with their favourite shows and movies like its the same thing as rooting for sports. Duck Dynasty. Twilight. Fucking Sons of Anarchy for fuck 's sakes they are a fictional biker gang , quit dressing like you're affiliated with them. Remember the WestCoast Choppers t-shirt epidemic ten years ago? Only the Affliction/Tap-Out dinks are worse. Pretending to be on a fake show is one thing, pretending to be tough is a different level of douchebaggery altogether .
I was at Dick's the other day (sidenote from my sister: if you want to go to Dick's Sporting Goods online, it's not Dick's. Completely different kind of site) and there were t-shirt with antlers on them all over the place. I think it was some show related, but I didn't get close enough to read it and didn't care to. Is this somehow related to that Duck Dynasty show? I've never seen it so I don't know. Kind of curious now.
Thankfully the only reason I know that shows like Honey Boo Boo and Duck Dynasty exist is because of you Idiots bitching about them. I have no idea what they're about and even though I have pay TV I manage to stay clear of them. It's either sports or I download what I want to watch so i don't put up with ads.
This is the vaguest post Ive ever read. The answer? Maybe? I see a lot of Duck Dynasty branded shit in the impulse bins in front of a lot of store, Krogers, Meijers, Walmart, not just Dicks. They are clearly branded though and you wouldn't need to get very close to see it. Since it's Dicks it could be any number of random camo gear companies, sounds like Bone Collector to me. They've turned that into the Affliction shirts of the hunting world.
Think of it as a challenge. Fine, I did my own research and I think the Bone Collector is what it was. Although I don't know what that is either. And I'm okay with that.
I'm like 30 pages late, but I am in the middle of listening to the new Beyonce album, I'm required because I'm black. This shit is damn good music. Way better than Katy Perry, Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus & Ke$ha. This is way better than I Am Sasha Fierce as well. Also, only female artist to have her first four albums debut at number #1. Fucking insane.
So the house two doors down is a massive 7000 square foot house, with an elevator and a 600 amp line (yes, they ARE Persian, how did you guess?) and everytime they use the elevator the lights in our house dim. It is fucking annoying. I hope that when the Big One comes, it falls down like the McMansion in that episode of King of the Hill.
Also, I don't care if you're into South Park or video games, this is a fucking hilarious read. Oh Australia. It's about why the Australian Rating/Gaming Board rejected the South Park game twice and quotes some of their explanation why. "Anal Probes Caused South Park: The Stick of Truth, Pain Down Under."
Drinking and spinning--always a good combination. About the time I hit 18, I couldn't do spinning stuff anymore. When I taught swim lessons I had to teach the kids how to do a forward flip in the water. One spin. Then I was done. I wouldn't be able to show them another one unless they wanted to see me puke.
A toxicologist and a chemist almost had a fist fight in my office today. I was not the chemist in question. It was easily one of the highlights of 2013.
More like Boner Collector. A lot of guys around here have those stickers on the back window of their trucks, and I've seriously considered having some "R" decals cut so I can change them to what they really mean.
Ice fishing is one of my fondest childhood memories. Take a big sled with a bunch of tip-ups and food in it, head out onto the ice, set up the tip-ups, and spend the rest of the time eating, drinking, and trading food/drink with others on the lake. It's practically a Thanksgiving feast on the winter ice. The fishing takes care of itself, and you can spend your time stuffing your face and skating or playing pickup hockey games.