Just saw Anchorman 2. Caught me completely off guard, and not what I expected at all. I expected a re-hash of the first one, with a few quotable lines that entertained me enough to justify seeing the movie. Yeah, not so much. While the jokes were (obviously) not as "surprising" as the first one, because they were in the same style, they were a number of times more frequent, and yet they never got stale. It was a good mix of stupid, and witty humor. What really made an impression though was how successfully, on an intellectual plane, the movie mocked the modern-day "sensationalist journalism." Judd Apatow et. al. successfully mixed a comedic dialogue with a legitimate critique on journalism. I'd be shocked if this movie doesn't make it into high school journalism classrooms, based upon that alone. It'd be a fantastic way to present the material to the kids. It's like a movie version of "Animal Farm," if Judd Apatow wrote it and cast Will Ferrell in it.
I'm actually glad to hear that. I loved the first one, and red flags went up for me with all the promotion that's been going on with the second one. When you see THAT much promotion, usually the movie sucks.
Movies are so expensive now, the wife and I go to see MAYBE two a year. If that. Anchorman 2 was easily worth the steep price of admission, candy, and some beer. It was almost like Blazing Saddles for me -- a movie I really need to watch a few times in order to fully appreciate all the levels of humor.
Hmm...if you exclude Hobbit and superhero movies, I haven't seen a movie in theaters since 2005ish. I can't remember what that movie was either; something with Matt Damon, it was a spy movie and Joe Pesci had a bit part in it, that's all I remember.
Last movie I watched in theaters before Anchorman 2 was Jackass 3D. Not sure when that came out, but now I'm starting to think my two-movies-a-year estimate is overstating it..... someone can do the math. Point is, I think it's been a while since I saw a movie in theaters.
I would laugh if the nanny state shit we have to deal with down here wasn't so fucking depressing. Can you believe we only just got an R18+ rating for video games in this country? Despite the average age of a gamer in this country being around 30
This is the same country with movies like Brain Dead and The Loved Ones? The same country where you can be killed by the wildlife while looking for your cellphone?
I was awakened at 6AM this morning by someone BANGING on the front door of the house. I threw on some pants and flung the front door open highly pissed off seeing as I'd had about 3 hours of sleep (I get off work at midnight.) And what to my wondering eyes did appear? Some little fucker who immediately started screaming at me about whatever the fuck his problem was. It took about 2 seconds for him to realize that his primary problem was now secondary to his newest problem....ie...me. Rudely awakening me and screaming about your problems is going to make me very unsympathetic to your plight, disturbing my aunt is going to turn me very potentially violent. I still have no idea what he was screeching about, but I made it crystal clear what I was yelling about. He was literally running the last I saw of him and I still don't know, or care, what the fuck his problem was. Sheesh. I try to keep a low profile and yet these morons still find me. In other news, the next door neighbor invited me to her NYE party. My next door neighbor is a 4'10" Rastafarian straight from Jamaica. All her friends are Rasta. This could prove highly entertaining, throwing my hillbilly ass into a party of dreadlocked, ganja smoking, reggae listening, rum drunk Jamaicans. Something is certainly bound to go horribly, horribly wrong. Perhaps we should just have a poll on just how long it takes for me to get my ass beat?
I am finally caught up on modern Doctor Who. I love this show although I don't know how I came damn near a decade late to the party. Oh and I don't know if any of you people have an opinion, but the 9th Doctor is the best.
That show, and especially it amazing music score is fifty years old this year. I only watched in as a little kid in the 80's but I will never forget how eerie that music was. Scared the shit out of me.
My only take on the whole duck dynasty thing is that I hate how people use the word homophobe when they really mean something like misohomerotist.
That's how the poor people go ice fishing. I drive my truck out to my 18' house, complete with 3 bunks, tv, stereo, and stove, take my jacket off and kick back in style while fishing and mixing drinks in a t-shirt. After you've had a few and if the fish aren't biting, you just go hopping from house to house in your village, shooting the shit and drinking with your neighbors.
A co-worker here had a Bone Collector and "A Country Boy Can Survive" stickers on his lifted F150. I would have done that plus adding "lady" to the other one, had he not totaled it last month. He grew up in Woodbury- a Twin Cities suburb. He claimed he passed on several deer on opening weekend this year because they "weren't big enough," ended up not shooting anything, and has been complaining since about not having any venison. Boo fucking hoo, Bone Collector.
Do you have to pay a fee to park your house there? How long can you usually leave it out for? Does it have a bathroom?
I saw the movie yesterday too and agree with your summary. My boss paid for the ticket (yeah he spontaneously took my team to see it together for "team building") but I'd say it's worth seeing in theaters. Spoiler Some of the awkward humor scenes made me wonder if Tim and Eric were behind the scenes somewhere. Otherwise the jokes were the same style but still funny. Some very solid one-liners and riffs on highlights of the first Anchorman. I expected to be disappointed and wasn't.
What the fuck is the point of USPS providing a tracking number if said tracking number is "not found" in their system? I also totally appreciate being on hold for 22 minutes and counting. Fuck you, USPS.