Heading to my parents' house where the menu includes Italian beef, hot wings, and assorted appetizer type foods (BBQ meatballs, cocktail weenies, etc). All topped off who about 14 varieties of baked goods, because my mom goes crazy in December with her baking. Tomorrow will be in-laws day, aka the day my wife must drive because I can't deal with those people unless I am drunk. Menu includes rum and coke, rum and egg nog, alcoholic punch, and whatever other precious booze I can get my hands on.
Happyfunball coming through in the clutch. I am self employed and have no employees. My office Christmas party is about to start with a six pack of an IPA, a burrito from a taco truck and listening to a selection of old records from the 70s and 80s recorded at Sound City at a high volume cause the rest of the building is empty. I might even wrap some gifts while I listen. It may not sound exciting, but sometimes I just want to be alone and listen to my old albums. Merry Christmas TIB
I dunno why I decided to mke duck this year. But I'm getting blasted and I don't know if I'll be able to continue to cook, Ill probably pass out before Ieat. Shoulda done something like thisthis year.
Going to my in-laws for dinner in about an hour; turkey will be ingested, presents opened and netflix watched in bulk. My lady friend has to work midnights tonight as she is an ER nurse so I'll have an excuse to wake up early tomorrow and make breakfast and start my day drinking!
The man speaks the truth. Just got finished semi-drunk welding an old charcoal grill onto a 55-gallon barrel/former turkey feeder to make a massive (and effective) bbq pit. Because these are the kind of ideas you only get while bored and day drinking.
HO HO HO. Meatballs are in the crock pot, Green Bean Casserole is ready to go in the oven (my female companion's fault... isn't that some Thanksgiving shit?), and #2 from this list - <a class="postlink" href="http://www.buzzfeed.com/christinebyrne/delicious-no-cook-dishes-to-bring-to-a-holiday-party" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.buzzfeed.com/christinebyrne/ ... iday-party</a> - are ready to be made as well. I'm a bottle of wine deep, and I can't seem to find my tooth brush, so I'll pick one up when I go out today. Other than that, I'm in good shape.
We were insanely busy yesterday. I had a lot of people I had to tell that it was a refill too soon to which I got "but I'm going away." Oh, you're right then, it should be free. Now to get a little personal. I wasn't kidding when I said I bought a new pair of pants I wanted to wear. The kind of material they are, I decided to go with a thong. Worst. Decision. Ever. In about 18 minutes I'll be gorging on delicious food and all I'll be thinking about is how it feels like I have a wedgie. Wonderful. Merry Christmas everyone. Be safe.
Merry Christmas you Idiots, You'd think I still believed in Santa and had a stocking full of shit to rip open by the fact I still wake up ridiculously early but that's every day. In a couple of hours I'm going to eat and drink enough for two or three people then do it all again tomorrow.
Getting ready to trim up a 8 pound tenderloin that will be consumed right before the 550 calorie per slice black forest cheesecakes I made. Only cheap wine for me, Big Bold Red by yellowtail.
Merry Christmas idiots. Each time I come back home I feel more and more like an outsider and realize how little I have in common with my extended family. Two of my cousins annoy the fuck out of me. One has plans to open a "meadery" to produce mead (which is essentially honeywine) and the other is naive as hell and sheltered by daddy's money. If I hear one more word about this stupid meadery I might lose it. He has no idea how bad of an idea this is, and neither does his successful father who is bankrolling him. This should be an interesting Christmas.
My extended family isn't here, thats a win. Its just me, my brother, my dad and my dog (and my mom). Not bad. Is it weird that I spent more on my dogs Christmas gift than anyone else's?
Standing rib roast draws ever closer. Two different bottles of Hendry wine are in their decanters and I am going to sneak in my shower and shave before drinking starts in earnest. Merry Christmas you idiots.
My father-in-law made me a Jack Rose. While I feel like this is an old fart drink, it's rather delicious. And pretty. It's pink.
Things are moving along well at the Christmas party. I finished a 24oz IPA and the Burrito, plus finished listening to Fleetwood Mac's first album with Buckingham and Nicks. I also polished of Rick Springfield's "Working Class Dog"album. (Fuck you, that album is pure first rate pop). Next up is Tom Petty's "Damn the Torpedoes" and a decision to wrap gifts or break open the Sierra Nevada Festival ale.
Just went down to the basement bar and found that my friends love me, er well they left a handle of Tito's and there are other assorted bottles to choose from. I have the first three God of War games and enough Vodka to make them very difficult. Perfect. Merry Christmas Idiots
Well, this is good form. I came back to Canada just in time for Christmas and I'm busy ignoring my mom's e-mails. When will she be seeing me for Christmas? Oh, who knows. Maybe I should just tell her I didn't really care about going anyways. At least my sister's various jobs do a better job of keeping her away. In more exciting news, I'm off work for pretty much the next month. I had been planning to go to NYC over New Year's but now I'll be going to Toronto for a friend's party and then probably NYC after that. Fuck knows how I'll occupy my time in between, but it'll be better than going back to the fucking office.