It really is that bad and the artist has to know it. However, you should pay him because he did complete the work but it was not what you had in mind. Now, lets see pictures of this tattoo.
Did you give him an idea for the painting, or did you just say, "something kinda dark"? Pay, but not more than half. Then use it as a dartboard, or hang it on the back of the guest bathroom door to creep people out.
After seeing the painting, I'm really hoping you didn't let him freehand your sleeve, really hoping he used a stencil.
You should start a bad art collection. I've secretly wanted to do that for a while. Someday I will have an area full of shitty paintings, etc. I already have a wall quilt of kittens playing with yarn that I found at a flea market for $8. It's two completely different mediums. I'd just pay the agreed-upon amount and count it as a relatively cheap lesson. Imagine if the reverse happened: he created a kickass painting and you asked him to create a sleeve for you.
I texted "dark, slightly mccabre, abstract". I wouldnt insult him by paying half, I'd rather just be honest with him. I guess Im going to have to pay, but I am really having a problem with it. Here's a pic of halfway thru the sleeve, the red lines were stenciling. The woodpecker is my daughter's birth animal (she's 100% Lakota Sioux), not my choice but Ill wear it with pride. If she had been born a few weeks later Id have a bear. The symbol is West African and means unity in diversity for my African American son.
My god that painting is just horrendous. I'm confused about what the protocol is if you aren't happy with a work of art that you commission. It seems to me like you shouldn't just give the guy $500 when you think it's a piece of shit, granted from the sounds of it you should have been way more specific with what you wanted. I mean, even if you weren't specific that just looks terrible.
One more disparaging remark about the velvet Elvis and I'm going to come down there and . . .do something. I dunno. Maybe hang one in your living room while you're sleeping. Also, this:
If you commission a piece of art, you get to give feedback until you get the piece that you were hoping for. You don't have to say that you hate it, just say that it "wasn't what you had in mind" and then give him more specific direction. (If it is going to be hanging up in your office, maybe "dark and macabre" isn't the best idea, p.s, but hey it's your art.) Maybe show him other art/artists you like to give him a better idea of what you're looking for, or if you have a specific subject in mind let him know. If that just sounds uncomfortable and a lot of work, or if you don't know what you want, I don't think it's necessary to pay for all of it. With writing, at least, if a magazine decides not to run your article for any reason, they give you a "kill fee" that's usually something like 50% of what you were going to get. I'm pretty sure it's similar for commissioned visual art. I can ask around if you really want to be professional about it. It's not going to be fun either way, but at least you won't have to pay $500 for something that would have been considered "okay" in my high school art classes.
Just put up lights and garland outside. Even with no wind it's colder than the heart of a femme fatale out there goddamn. My hands are frozen into claws for the time being.
All you bastards talking about cheap and delicious craft beer is breaking my heart. I have not been anywhere near drunk enough lately, I think maybe three times in the last three months and only one of them was proper drunk. A lot of Australians hate on the US but I think if they knew how cheap your piss was they'd move over pretty quick and enjoy themselves immensely.
I've long thought that I'd like to live in Australia for a few years but given how much I enjoy my craft brews, all of this talk is giving me pause. Maybe I'd just have to up my brewing game...
That was a game the Sooners should not have won but fuck it. After studying, I'm going to get myself some of this delicious craft beer you all have been talking about to celebrate.
Its nice that a sixer of premium craft beer cost $10 over here and will get you ripped, and lets be honest thats a bit expensive all thing considered.