Merry Christmas TIB! Got the manliest Christmas gifts ever: -Golf clubs -Stoeger Cougar .40 semi automatic -Power drill -Multi tool -Flannel shirts -Assorted beef jerky -Cabelas gift card
I got a rock. Actually, I got a real surprise. Got my monitor upgraded to a flatscreen LED. My old one is a good 10 years old and weighs approximately 36,000 pounds judging by the hernia I received lifting it off the desk. Maybe next year I will upgrade my 2002 Nokia cell. Technology is frightening. Missing from Juicy's list: toilet paper. Sheets.
I think my nephew is on drugs. He's all sweaty and telling me how he wants to go live in the rain forest with the aboriginals. And chew on nicotine roots. My brother is watching The Rifleman and playing with the remote control recliner my dad got. I bought my daughter a dress that I was hoping she wouldn't like since it would then be mine. That's how you do it right? Unfortunately she really liked it. Damn. Now we are waiting for my other brother and kids to get here, then we can eat! Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas folks! I got some running accessories (headphones and a headband for the cold) as I fight to get my wide ass back into shape for next year A new laptop bag An Apple magic mouse for my laptop A shitpot of video games (GTA V, Bioshock 2 & Infinite, Halo 4) New golf balls A GT golf head cover GT vs. Notre Dame tickets And then some gifts for the wife that were kind of for both of us A grill cover (to go on the new grill we will now order) An Apple Airport Extreme with 2GB Time Capsule Tickets to see The Book of Mormon
When I was in Vegas last spring my buddy got two lap dances at the Spearmint Rhino for $100. Use that as the measuring stick. Looking at Tiffanys prices you may be due for a drunk handjob.
OR you could buy an empty Tiffany box online for $5 and save yourself thousands by getting an equal in quality bracelet from Sam's Club.
What the fuck is wrong with you people? What is the fascination with ham? On its own it is quite disgusting. Then some sick bastard thought to make marshmallow sweet potato casserole to go with it. This is America's contribution to the culinary world. Christmas is for wild game, roast, or something's baby. If I was cooking suckling pig I'd make the mother watch it rotate on the spit, somehow this sorrow enhancing the flavor. Then turn the mother into bbq sandwiches while I jerk off on its bones. My prime rib is resting while everything else cooks. Now that I'm a little buzzed on Vacquyeras wine it's time to make Hollandaise. Because anything green should be slathered in lemon butter sauce.
Honey baked hams are the fucking shit. Fuck is wrong with people on the internet just having to hold an opposing view to feel special? Ham is the shit. Shitty recipes are shitty recipes.
Yeaaaaah prime rib is in the oven. And my sis got that on sale because she's awesome so it will taste extra good. I'm about to play some Small world with my people before gorging later. Happy christmas y'all.
So, my best friend's mom gave me this as one of my presents: Yes, it's the script for a 1976 educational VHS called VD Blues for health teachers to teach about STDs. It was hosted by Dick Cavett and it's as incredible as it sounds.