I gave the Wolf of Wall Street like a B/B-. Really well shot, funny in places, but way too many drugs and naked scenes and it's way too long.
My bad. I saw it attributed to Larson, and I didn't bother to read the side as that's a tiny ass font.
Yeah kind of long and did rely on shock humor with the drugs and titties more than it needed to. Seems Scorsese isn't immune to letting actors ad lib scenes for hours on end it seems. I had high expectations going into this and Anchorman 2 and this was the one that lived up to them.
Calvin and Hobbes no question. The more I read it the more I like it. I have so much respect for Bill Watterson. Who knows how much money he turned down to keep his creation the way he wanted it. Also I have no recollection of posting here last night. Is there any way to see rep messages sent? On second thought maybe I don't want to know.
1) Calvin and Hobbs, I mean, c'mon. 2) Holy shit, the haul my daughter got is insane. Her gifts included a giant learning zoo that takes up half her playroom (from my parents), a motorized Dora the Explorer Four-Wheeler (From my wife's parents), and a giant pop-up play tent and a leapfrog reader that reads specialized books to her (from "Santa"). Of all the stuff she got, the thing she played with the most was a set of Dora the Explorer binoculars, that she looks through backwards to make everything smaller. Its kind of adorable, actually, but good god did she get a bunch of stuff. I just spent the better part of the past 2 hours trying to get it all up and running and put together.
Watterson would have made hundreds of millions in merch had he let it explode, but he didn't. At all. He allowed to my knowledge a calendar for one year and maybe a couple other small things. Anything else was bootlegged. And he's a bonafide Thomas Pynchon-style shut-in who has been painting nature landscapes with his father since he hung up the gloves. He rarely does interviews, never signs autographs, is adamant he will never revive the strip and his town residents help to keep him concealed.
Fun fact: you know those comic strip anthologies? I have only ever bought anthologies for three strips. I have one Far Side, one Calvin and Hobbes, and seven Bloom County. For the two mentioned, even though it is comparing apples and oranges, if I had to choose I would have to say the Far Side. I loved how in one panel he could completely fuck with my head and make me laugh.
Wine and rum, so. Ucj on my teeth. I need to brush my teeth, yuck. Driving bqcktmorrow. damn eqgnqrgnrqh dqbdwg rwh
Calvin and Hobbes wins this one by a hair. I own 3 complete works: The Far Side Calvin & Hobbes The Adventures of Tintin Nothing else is worthy
Calving and Hobbes snonmen are great, everything else is men. I didn't have a fake imaginRy friend. U gfrew up on the other one with weirwd humor on my annual fee daily calendar. Peace out, sleep and shit
I have an ex-gf as well as two good friends from Chagrin Falls, OH where he is from/lived. Its pretty much town knowledge where he lived until he moved to Cleveland Heights, but nobody would tell and my friends wouldn't show me. Its kind of crazy but cool. The other thing that is startling to me is the he is only 55, basically my dad's age. And Calvin and Hobbes is going on 20 years out of production. He found success and fame within a year or two of starting, had a massively successful (in terms of acclaim and renown) decade, and then walked away in his mid 30s. Just wild. I loved C&H when I was younger, and appreciate it more now. I've never had a cartoon make me laugh and cry within a few pages. Its just brilliant stuff.