They're also useful for those with poor circulation, like the insulin challenged. Would you roll around in a rascal to laugh in the face of the handicap you insensitive prick?
Not quite sure what engendered the vitriol, I wasn't making fun of anyone. I know a lot of people, whom are not diabetic, who wear them because they work really well.
I'm pretty sure the only reason I'm still in a marathon session of How I Met Your Mother is the straight fire that is Cobie Smulders. Spoiler
So she gave you a "Jelly of the Month" subscription instead of giving you your annual Christmas bonus that you were going to use to build a pool? Just remember, it's the gift that keeps on giving, Clark.
We had dinner last night with some friends and the guy told me about this product. I think there are some people here who might make use of a product like this.
If I were to ever become a superhero, I'd want to be the superhero everyone thinks of when they have this kind of problem.
Yeah I've been here a couple of months. Rolladens are the shit, I don't know why we don't have them in the US. Anyways, I went down there and drank beer. That old lady did like a 15 second long keg stand and I'm pretty sure could drink me under the table.
I'm in Michigan. Why does every single store i walk into have some shiney, jumpy goof in a ten-foot scarf greet me with NFL cheerleader enthusiasm? Freaks me out, man. Back off.
Because like small towns in Canada, people are actually nice and just happy to be alive. They're not jaded assholes. It is really scary. When I went to Moncton, for a few days and started talking to people, I quickly just felt like I'm a bad person. Everyone was so nice and polite. And actually Cobie and that guy look like they should be dating. Don't be a hater. They also don't look like brother and sister, which is a thing I started running into again. Its like every winter time, I just see a ton of couples that look like brother and sister. How the fuck does that happen? Doesn't someone's friend get drunk and say say "Hey, you two look alike? That's creepy?
Paging Mya to the urologist phone. The things people got stuck in their holes this year. Every orifice is accounted for. Go ahead and guess which hole has the most documentation. Go on. Personally, I feel peehole insertion is far more traumatic. Can someone named scootah please tell me why someone feels the need to penetrate their peehole?
Avoid Minnesota then, because the snow and cold would probably make you feel even more uncomfortably welcome. Nice peacocking technique, I gotta try it sometime!
How often can a small finger vibrator gets stuck? How long until its no longer fun? Also, I just learned about pinworms through this post and now I'm going to be freaked out. I hate the idea of parasites, they make me so goddamn uncomfortable.
True story. Pinworms are detected by spreading your asshole open in a dark room, then someone shines a light onto your bum before the worms retreat back into your cavity. Hope everyone is having a pleasant lunch hour.
The government said they banned Buckyballs because kids were swallowing them, now we know the real reason. Why is Wide Wooden Dowel in quotes? Is it not a wide wooden dowel? What is it really then? What's the difference between a domino in the penis and an embedded domino in penis? So many questions. I like peacocks.
I've mentioned it before, but my friend said someone came in with one of these stuck up their ass: He said it was the first time and he was bored. My friend and her nurse friends were like there's no way you get something that size up there the first time. Although I think they just said that among themselves.