Last night once again got out of hand. Time to sober up pack my bags and fuck off camping and drinking for a few days and listen to these bands.
And A&E just removed the suspension of the Duck Dynasty patriarch. The nightmare is finally over! So much fail with this continued saga- right wingers misconstruing the 1st Amendment while supporting their homophobia, libs blowing up his comments which weren't necessarily kosher but nothing compared to what fundamentalists spout daily. It was an epic circle jerk of everything that's wrong with bipartisanship in politics today- making the issue about personal agendas and not the issue itself. In other words, Phil Robertson is a bigot, but the people instigating this issue into a nationwide debate are the real asshats.
People are idiots and the fact that an old dude play s bigot on tv for ratings and cash is a surprise to no one. In other news, off for sushi and oil wrestling. I'll get photos if they let me.
No, the real issue is too many registered voters went to bat for a yuppie family pretending to be white trash over a fake reality show that takes advantage of those stupid people too stupid to realize they're manipulated by a stupid PR stunt. I hope everyone involved gets castrated via flying basbeball bat wrapped in C4. In unrelated news my very gay Brazilian neighbor is watering his plants while singing "I loooooove yoouuuuuuu" completely out of tune.
I have never watched Duck Dynasty and don't agree with his views at all. But the fact that he said something which isn't right, based off his religion, then banned him for it is 100% unfair. I believe people can think what they want to think. Now if he's proactively trying to do something about it, then that is a different story. If he's just talking, then let him talk. There wasn't anyone on the fence about gay marriage or anything that was fully persuaded by this guy. People should be able to make the decision to watch the show or not based on what he says, but the network shouldn't be the ones to just yank him.
Jeez, having a reality tv showed aired on a private, for-profit network is that sacred in your country? I'll keep my free outdoor cooler, thanks.
He spoke as his right without going to prison. The network pulled him without sending him to prison and without discriminating/censuring him for religious or ethnic reasons. Everyone opining on it did so quite freely. Nobody's rights were infringed upon. He was suspended due to the fact he's a bigot. That is even suspect as he might be completely full of shit putting on an act. Either way the network has the right to honor the morality clause he no doubt signed that could harm viewership, or fire him for the same issues even if there is no such clause in his contract. They decided not to because this is, somehow, great PR and the f'n show is even more popular. Which is kind of disgusting. It's quite possible the Robertson supporters are so loud because they realized they were duped. Nobody likes to be fooled. Nobody likes to realize the life views they share, now popularized on TV, is a big joke on them all for profits. God, that's so delicious it must be fattening. The more a dumbass is proved wrong, the louder they get in a feeble attempt to regain their lost position. Just like in grade school. OK, it isn't possible they realize it. They ate up every word this dude said. But it is an interesting aspect to note, that something so blatantly fabricated can have such a sway on public opinion and viewers' lifestyle choices. It is crazy the backlash on Robertson detractors. Over what? Disliking gays and wanting to bring back Jim Crow good times. Ludicrously hilarious that folks are defending that. Just because its free speech doesn't mean it is not horribly misguided and irresponsible speech at best, flat out hate speech at worst.
Yeah, I never really understood how/why people think the 1st Amendment should equal freedom from social repercussions. People just jumped on the network and started spouting this freedom of speech crap, which not only is 100% irrelevant, but makes me think they're defending his rationale indirectly. If people had actually discussed what he said, as opposed to the response from the network, perhaps the show wouldn't have gotten the same ratings bump it's going to get now. But you have social parasites like Sarah Palin, who admitted to not even reading what he said before jumping on the 1st Amendment bandwagon, and all of a sudden it's about the talking heads and their agendas.
DING DING DING. Sorry, this isn't an issue of porn, obscenity, this isn't even a public discussion of right to worship. The year is 2014 in less than a week and we still have people apologizing for movements towards racial equality. We still have people absolutely complacent to hate speech. Nobody finds that disturbing? I'm not saying we prohibit hate speech, which is illegal and dangerous to the very essence of public discourse, but it is obvious why these folks are choosing arguments of this ilk to celebrate 1st amendment rights. I'm also pissed that we give this much of a shit about a fucking reality show jerkass. Yet, here we are.
To put a more positive spin on the whole issue, I make an awesome Sazerac. Oh wait, that has nothing to do with Duck Dynasty. Cheers anyway. Enjoy your respective weekends.
Found out today my wife is having a boy. Truthfully, as long as the baby is healthy and happy I don't care, but a boy is what I was pulling for. I'll be drinking tonight in baby Colton's honor.
The whole duck dynasty controversy is the most fake thing I've ever heard. Anyone who comments and believes the remarks are genuinely controversial are being played by the marketing machine. Its no coincidence this guy said what he did to GQ. Whoever decided to orchestrate this is a genius. They knew the public would feed off it and make the show more popular than ever.
I mean, I don't support Phil, because fuck him. Nobody is entitled to a reality show. On the other hand, fuck A & E, because there's no way they couldn't have seen this coming, and the fake indignation/immediate capitulation is just ass-covering bullshit. In conclusion, I will continue not to watch Duck Dynasty.
Why is everyone so upset? Phil Robertson just wants to have sex with ducks. What he does in the privacy of his own home is his business. Am I misreading the situation?
What's the big deal exactly? The interviewer asked him what he personally considers "a sin" and he responded with homosexuality. It wasn't said apropos, he was asked his beliefs. Plus he didn't say gays should be lynched or even anything about gay marriage. You don't have to agree with it, and I don't either, but I don't think this makes him a hateful bigot. I know it's a fun tactic to silence other's opinions by calling them hateful bigots, and who knows maybe he is, but it's a tired tactic and the double standard is ridiculous.
Oh, see, I thought he wanted to build a dynasty of bearded duck men by fucking ducks. I mean, to each his own. If Phil wants to fuck a duck, awesome.