Ehh you want to blow it off to because it's a trend for some sort of emotional revenge, or whatever. Same bullshit game you just bitched about her doing to you. I say chalk it up to a loss and move on. It'd be the grown up thing to do, but I do know being human it's just easier to take the easy route and try and stick it out with a girl that you've gotten past the stressful meeting and initial dating phase with than start all over with someone new.
Wait, what? This is getting weirder by the second. Awesomeness. Thank god I have beer because I am loving this. By all means feel free to continue with commentary updates.
Well, I don't agree that nice guys finish last. I know a lot of super nice guys that are in happy relationships. There are several guys on this board alone that seem very nice and are in good relationships. I just tried to put myself in her place. Granted, I wouldn't have been giving you the runaround that you believe she was doing, but if a guy offered an ear and I took him up on it, then found out later he did it begrudgingly, I would be embarrassed. Plus, you said you like her and she's a cool girl. So why would you do it to someone that you like? That's all I meant.
Because I don't want to be played or strung along as I've suspected so far. I think I have to agree with Kubla on this one, it's fubar and time to cut my losses.
Don't do it over the phone. We all want hear what her "problems" are first. She could just be a libertine which isn't a problem as much as a choice, or she could be burning Babylonian symbols into her pets with a flat iron. Either-or, we wanna know. You don't watch an action movie and then skip out on the bloody roof-top climax.
I don't want to jump on you too hard for saying this, because you probably didn't mean it very seriously. But what do you consider finishing first to be? Having a long-term, exclusive relationship with the girl?
You know it's a figure of speech and isn't universally applied to every scenario. And yes, "nice guy" is commonly known as a "pussy" when referring to this quote. I'm not about to get into a discussion of the differences between a nice guy and a pussy, but I obviously was referencing the "pussy".
Funny how we were talking about dishonest dating. One of the gals using men for dinner dates just scored her own reality show. Yay reinforcing negative behavior. She's just full of shit, looking to cash in. Honestly, I've never met any that has done this or been on the receiving end. So, outrage away anyhoo. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... snewsweird</a>
Is that how you become famous? Being utterly useless and thoroughly unlikable? Why doesnt Politik have a reality show yet? God, I hope she has kids. Those will be some properly-raised crotch crickets right there. I wouldn't be surprised if God stepped in and pulled off the first immaculate abortion.
The difference is between the genuinely nice guy that does nice things because he's just a nice guy and the guy that white knights in the hopes that it will get him some pussy. The latter is the guy who wrote the "ode to the nice guy" post that all the "why does she keep dating assholes" neck beards jerk off to. The former treats women they like as they would anyone else, a person who deserves to be treated with respect and helped if needed, not a prize to be worked for.
Wait, a girl sleeping with you on the first date is a turn off? We have very different outlooks on this.
My rule is I don't go out with you unless I want to sleep with you. Soo if we bang and I don;t hear from you at least I got some sweet sweet ass.
If you're basing the way you treat someone that you are supposedly into on whether or not you're 'being played' or 'scoring more hand points' in them... you might as well walk away right now. Sounds like she may or may not be playing games and you're not ready to get over whatever burning shit happened in your marriage and just be into someone. I don't see where all the games and the confusing bullshit comes into dating someone. Are you into them and having fun? Great, do more of that. Are you either not into them or for some reason not having fun? Go date someone else. I also don't see what was to be gained by confronting her on 'gaming' you and I don't mean this as just a directly at Scotchcrotch or any sort of attack. It just confuses me in general. If you're confronting someone you're barely dating because you don't like the way they behave... what are you hoping to accomplish? That they will have some epiphany and realize that they kind of act like a shitty person and just change themselves to keep you? Wouldn't it be more realistic to just accept that you're not seeing eye to eye and move on to someone that is more in line with you? I mean, I get calling out your wife / husband when they've been moody and acting like a dick lately... you're invested. -- I don't know, maybe I'm just fucking weird. My wife and I ended up fucking on the first date and I didn't think anything less of her for it and I can see a legitimate basis for the whole 'accustomed to a certain lifestyle' argument that comes up over alimony and child support payments in the event of a divorce. When we decided to have kids she gave up her career and her likelihood of being able to step back into the career years down the road should we part ways... while I'm focusing on my own career and advancing. Should something happen down the road that resulted in us splitting ways I don't see any way that I wouldn't owe some sort of compensation for the fact that I've furthered my earning extensively over the years where she basically made herself basically unable to step back into her former field as part of a sacrifice that benefited us for years. -- Sorry, I know I ended up responding / rambling about a couple of different posts there.
I'd like to think that all it will do is give the assholes an excuse to be assholes without realizing that their assholishness will now be quite obvious and therefore they'll ultimately fail. It's just speeding up the process of separating the wheat from the chaff.
I doubt the show will even really get off the ground. No one likes watching true assholes, especially when they win. For all of pop culture's talk about "the antihero," compelling storytelling is all about getting people to identify with the main characters. There are lots of ways to get people to care, but the best way to turn people indifferent is to make them assholes with no redeeming features. When you center the show around an asshole, you're dooming it.