I was just trying to appeal to all demographics. But actually I just like the kangaroo chillin' aspect. Maybe that is just how they are built, I know very little about kangaroo genitalia.
Fosters should hire that kangaroo as part of their "Most Interesting Marsupial in the World" campaign. Lion King 3D TONIGHT! Cannot wait to see Scar get bitch slapped. Then maybe see the Penguins (hockey variety, not avian) practice tomorrow.
Whiskey drunk vs beer buzzed is REMARKABLY different for me. Beer buzzed just means I'm a little more outspoken. Whiskey drunk means someone's gonna get hit. Since I had to come back to work, beer buzzed was the better option.
Oh yeah, by what AA above, I was at the Sox game last night, and not drinking. Still very awesome, especially that third base catch and out x2. Sweet game. Definitely cool to see a pro ball game again in person even if baseball isn't my fav sport. Oh, and there's a phone number written on my hand with a name and a few little hearts...sweet.
All I know is they give birth while the baby is still basically a zygote and it crawls around the mom's stomach into the pouch itself. Fucking nuts. And that was one hot kangaroo penis you posted.
This is the first WDT I've ever poked my head into......and I understand why its called such. Kangaroo boners? You have to be drunk just to participate.
Oh, and on the topic of kangaroos: did you know the way that they jump is called "ricochet"? Frogs jump in a style called "saltation." See? All my bio classes are coming in handy!
Looks like I missed all of the fun sexuality conversation, damn it! I have to go to work. This also is a "fail." Mods: Please delete if this is forbidden now, I will not include pics or too detailed of descriptions... Here is the appeal of porn, the reason you may find some so horrible: Porn is meant to make you feel or imagine that this could be YOU. You could be between these fellatious women, You could be the one experiencing this pleasure. Then you are arroused and/or jerk off, rub one out, whatever. Most posters here do not admit an interest in being the third in a cock party and thus some get a bit uncomfortable with these images. I don't mind them, but they don't really do anything for me either. In closing, maybe we could just warn our pals if we think the light hits this anal train of men just so, so that they don't feel uncomfortable. I'm going to go rub one out now...
Ok, in keeping with the thread, I'm in a bit of an argument at the moment. The why isn't particularly important, but in order to win it I need a picture of an extremely cute puppy (9/10 or better). gogogo
I've been in a heated discussion at work for the past two weeks...and I do believe the WDT is the best place to hash this out. I am not married yet (proposing in December), but for as long as I can remember, I have held one hard and fast rule with any member of the opposite sex of whom I may be involved with... You shit with the door closed. The people in my office, specifically those who are married, find this to be preposterous; that when married, its impossible to concede that luxury. Bullshit. Its a common courtesy. It has always and will always be my number one rule- if you can't show the grace of closing the fucking bathroom door when you have to shit, I will have absolutely no problem walking away from your gross ass. They bring up kids and how kids will incessantly knock on the door...or how if you've only got one bathroom, sometimes its prudent to share... 1. My kids will be taught to respect the sanctity of a shit. If they insist on knocking, they will insist on waiting until I have properly wiped my ass and finished my business. 2. Doing bathroom business (showering, brushing teeth, hair, etc) while someone of the opposite sex is shitting is downright disgusting. Excuse me, but brushing my teeth can wait until the loaf is pinched... Thoughts?
I'm not married, but I think door closed is best. If not, put that shit in the vows, "to have and to hold, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, spread eagle on the bed and red cheeked and sweaty on the bowl..." So that people know what they're getting into. Hmm...7.5. I just remembered the pet thread, I'm going to look there and report back. I implore you please, try to avoid hyperventilating as we go on this magical journey.
I would never make it in jail or the army for the sole fact that I cannot shit with people around. I crapped in public once out of necessity. If I'm sharing a hotel room, I stay behind when they leave. If I'm at work or school, it waits. If someone is in my house I drop noxious gas like old potato salad until they gag, vomit, surrender/leave. Shit is the one thing I can't handle. Unless it's really, really funny. Even then shit is that one thing if you even see a picture of it, you can instantly smell it so vividly you can taste it. On that note, who's up for BBQ?