I give it an 8, but only because I'm looking for a puppy that would retain cuteness, or an already cute older dog. This one via Diablo is good, in the solid 8 range: Spoiler Solid, Baxpin Spoiler This is a 9 to me (Chater) Spoiler Of course, they're all winners. Some are just more winners than others.
Been married four years now, and living together for five. If I ever left the door open while shitting (or pissing for that matter) she would kill me. Leaving the door open is just all kinds of fucked up to me. At the same time, I never, ever want her to leave the door open while shitting (and she never does). This has just been an unspoken rule between us. Granted, we have the luxury of two bathrooms now (soon three), but even when we had one bathroom, that door was closed. Also, they put locks on bathroom doors for a reason: that reason is kids. When I use the bathroom at my brother's house (who has two kids, aged 5 and 3) I lock that door, because I know those kids love to bust into the bathroom. Tomorrow is going to be spent cooking a big pot of Chili and watching football with my brothers. Nothing like a nice autumn afternoon with the smell of Chili in the house and football on TV. I cannot wait. Seriously, I love this time of year.
On my way to Oktoberfest at Steamwhistle brewery. If you're in Toronto and not attending, you should be ashamed.
The fuck is wrong with people. Shitting, peeing, tampon changing...all are done in private behind completely closed doors, with background noise if possible, in the form of a fan or whatever. At no point in any relationship will I EVER concede that boundary. Not even a little bit. Icky.
I pray to God I'm never THAT comfortable with my partner. My parents have been married 34 years, my dad watched my brother and me being born, and they still close the door to pee/poop. People are gross.
El Fiance doesn't care about peeing with the door open but he must have the door closed to poo. I don't really care either way. I close the door out of habit but it doesn't bother me to have it open. That'll probably change with kids or if other people are home but if it's just me and him, who cares? I'm pretty sure he's seen me in more compromising positions than on a toilet with my elbows on my knees.
anything to do with excrement or waste removal is private time. End of discussion. I don't want to talk to you while you do it, I don't even want to acknowledge it. Icky.
Funny poop story about The Wife: You know that old thing where all guys think that girls don't poop? The Wife really doesn't. I'm not kidding or trying to be cute at all- apparently, she was born without the ribbing in her large intestines or something like that, so it can't push the poop out. She only goes like once every 2 weeks or so, and even then, she says that its only little rabbit pellets. She has to go to the doctor every couple of months for an enema, where she says she loses like 10 lbs every time. Then, when she DOES poop, she just sits there until something happens. It takes forever. I brought this up to her from outside the bathroom once- BD: Sweetheart, are you ok in there? You've been in there for like 30 minutes. The Wife: Yeah, ees ok. Eeet just won't come out. BD: Nothing happens when you push? The Wife: .... Pooosh? Oh no, I jus seeet unteeel eet falls out. BD: What? You mean you don't push at all and it just happens by gravity? The Wife: Yeah, ees that not right? How do you pooosh? BD: Are you seriously asking me how to push the poop out? As in, you don't know how to poop? The Wife: Yes! I don't know how! Please tell me! BD: ... I... I mean... You just... HOW IN THE HELL DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW TO POOP? I mean, how DO you explain to someone how to push poop out? But yeah, the door is open for us most of the time, though she does close it to poop. And every other week when I see this, I laugh outside of the door because I know what the closed door means, and she gets mad at me. We are weird.
Just saw a guy in the park going for a walk with his dog. Except he was pushing the dog in a baby stroller. What nonsense is this?
My plans for the night revolve around heading out to a bar because they have 'the best mac n cheese ever'. I'm not sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing...but at least its a bar. So if Ohio State plays like shit, I can drown my sorrows in Irish whiskey. Also, thank you TiB for proving me correct- shitting with the door open is unacceptable.
I pretend she doesn't poop. I don't know what happens when that door is closed, but she is not pooping. In my mind she hasn't pooped in 15 years.
I have a funny story involving this topic, or more specifically the discussion of it. Spoiler About 5 years ago I was driving home from work and listening to the radio. The DJ brought up the topic of using the bathroom with the door open/sharing a bathroom. He asked people who were or had been married what their thoughts were on this. After a few people called in expressing the same opinion I had, I decided to call in. DJ: "This is ________. What's your opinion on the issue?" Bandit: "Yeah, I just wanted to say that peeing and showering with the door open is one thing, but shitting with it open is never cool. I was married for 5 years, and neither my ex-wife or I would shit with the door open. Peeing with the door open was fine though." DJ: "What about peeing on each other?" Bandit: ".... Uh, yeah, we did that a few times...." DJ: "Oh gross! That's more than I wanted to know! Just tell me what station rocks!" And I said the call letters. After the station returned from the commercial break, I heard my voice on the radio! I DIDN'T THINK THE DJ WAS ACTUALLY GOING TO PUT IT ON THE AIR! SHIT! NOW EVERYONE IS GONNA KNOW THAT I TRIED WATER-SPORTS WITH MY EX WIFE! I DIDN'T IDENTIFY MYSELF, BUT I HAVE A VERY DISTINCTIVE VOICE! I tried to calm myself; it was 8:30 on a Thursday evening. No one's gonna be listening then. Well, people were listening. The next day at work, no less than FOUR people came up to me to tell me that they heard what I said last night. And those people told more people. So for the rest of the day people were calling me "R. Kelly." They could have at least gone with Chuck Berry. That wasn't even the worst part. That Friday I went by my ex's house to pick up Li'l Bandit for the weekend. MY EX-FATHER-IN-LAW HEARD IT TOO. I tried to deny it, but he had known me too long and there was no fooling him. I was afraid that he was going to be mad, but he has a good sense of humor and just laughed it off. Luckily, he has never brought the issue up again.