I don't know what is wrong with me. I slept for about 12 hours last night. I was out by midnight, and didn't wake up until noon. This meant I was already too late to go to the Auburn v Clemson game, so I just relaxed, watched it on the telly and decided I'd go to tailgate after the game. I had some errands to run to I figured and hang out for a little bit, get my errands done, and then go out tonight. I had exactly one beer at post-game tailgate, and got so tired that instead of going grocery shopping and cooking, I passed out again. Woke up about a half hour ago and am still way too tired to feel like doing anything. Same thing happened last weekend where I was asleep for at least half of it. I'm getting 5-7 hours of sleep every night on the weekdays, so I really shouldn't need to catch up much. Fuckin hell. Guess I'll watch a movie and go to bed again. It seems Hooker is missing. I'll check the boobie thread. edit: Definitely not depressed. I don't think I have mono...how can you tell?
Church folk are so nice....to middle class-ish white guys anyway. They have hot girls too. Married and popping out kids at 25, but hot nonetheless.
Balls. Off to find a flight of stairs, brb. Also, I thoroughly checked the boobie thread and Hooker was nowhere to be found, though I did find evidence of her having been there at some point. The mystery continues.
Oh, she was meeting Nettdata? Nevermind, they were just eaten by a bear. And my opinion counts. I "won" a murder mystery game tonight. JOHNNY WITH A TIRE IRON BITCHES!
Good work team, I think we are getting somewhere. Now can you fit a hooker bound and gagged into the trunk of a porsche? We'll crack this case, I am sure of it.
Hey, TIBbers, as long as we're in a sharing mood, can I share my relationship problems with you? Spoiler Work is sending me off to a different city in mid-November, as a semi-permanent arrangement (I have a 4 year contract). Originally the plan was for some small town, but that changed this week (no reason why, of course, it just did). The girlfriend didn't want to move with me to said small town. Part of me thought, well, I can understand she doesn't want to move to this small town. But she knows people in this city. She could live in this city. She doesn't want to. Excuse now is that if she had known I was moving here earlier she'd have looked for contracts and openings that companies had in this city. I don't know what to say. It's not as though pharmacists are going to have a hard time finding jobs. But also, she's apprehensive about moving away from her parents, and living somewhere unfamiliar, and so forth. I don't know. I'm moving somewhere every bit as unfamiliar as she is. I mean, sure, I have a job, but she wouldn't have too much trouble finding one and it's not as though I couldn't support us until she does. A growing part of me is saying: if we've been dating for almost four years, there's a point at which it's either you move with me, or that's it. And the problem is, if she wasn't willing to move with me to small town, I'm not sure I even want her moving with me to the larger city. I mentioned this to her today. She said "we talked about this before". Well, we didn't really talk about it. Last time she burst into a ball of tears saying she wished I didn't have to go and that I didn't have this job. It breaks my heart. But what the hell is the option? Do the long-distance thing until she grows up and moves away from her parents, or until my contract expires (at which point, apparently, I move into her parents' basement). I mean, there are other annoyances I have with her. Standard complaints about a partner's idiosyncrasies: she'll sleep a solid 14 hours per night if you let her. She doesn't drink alcohol, as it's all icky to her. She has asian mother syndrome. I could never travel with her. She actually likes McDonald's food, and when it comes to food in general, prizes quantity over quality; and when it comes to buying anything, prizes cheapness over quality. But to be told that, after four years of dating, she'd prefer to live with her parents than with me? I mean, that seems like some pretty serious relationship poison right there. This, from someone who told me she could see herself marrying me. More beer? Picked up a six pack of Dead Guy Ale tonight. Or maybe finish off this bottle of cheap Spanish wine before it turns into vinegar. I could use some advice on that as well. FYI, hooker was meeting the dread pirate, I think. Save BC for the trampoline party.
She could just be in a trampoline daze. Nettdata could be in a harvey wallbanger look at those tits bounce daze.
It shouldn't always be the same person who is doing the sacrificing in the relationship, if this seems to be a pattern now, it will certainly not improve in the future. I can understand the not "dropping everything" to go be with you thing. You have a 4 year contract. Seems to me to be enough time for her to close up the things that she needs to with her current job/place and life, and at least make the effort to try to be a part of yours. The question is, how important are you in her life? Guess you are going to get your answer.
What up yall? Nice to have a quiet peaceful weekend after two weeks of partying in key west and orlando(not really). The bad thing is I've blown about a gallon of snot out of my nose this weekend and it's hard to sleep when you can't breathe through your nose. I know you all are looking for hooker, but I thought I should share something pleasant. Whatever, here's some boobs.
What the hell is going on? Puppies, missing hookers and knocked up TIBettes? I don't think I can associate with you people anymore...
We're not "knocked up", we just currently aren't actively menstruating. Except for dubya tee eff. Not enough stairs in the world to save that one.