Wait...what? Forget about pregnancy - that's fixable. What if one of them has a disease? You'll spread it through the network like wildfire. Please tell me you're at least disclosing to all of them that you're presently fucking other women bareback?
Yeah, it's just funny that she still has such a heavy accent despite being a professional actress in a different country.
Not to mention that it would get you into preggo porn. Seriously, think about it: You're 12 years old, and you've never viewed any porn, much less had any sexual contact with another person. Then one one of your best buddies comes up to you after school with an unmarked DVD, and tells you that you MUST see what's on it. When you go to his house and watch it, lo and behold, it's another friend's mom getting railed. While carrying a baby, no less. You've never seen such raw carnality before... You get a spontaneous erection... You leave... You can't get the image out of your head... From that day forward, you always see the image of a pregnant woman having a load blown on her bulging belly right before you climax...
For those Canadians on the board with experience in the west...Calgary or Edmonton? I tend to always go Calgary, because I'm familiar with it and believe it to be a cleaner/nicer/better city. However, Edmonton seems to have a better vibe. Thoughts?
And that's how I found out I need to be tested for the clap. J/k j/k. Seriously, about 5 years ago an ex gave me the clap because he was cheating on me. It was awesome.
Well, when the doctor said he had bad news I'm sure "You have chlahmydia" was preferable to "It's metastasized. You have three weeks."
I was hearing rumors about another girl, but I trusted him and didn't believe them. The STD + rumors = serious confrontation where he admitted everything. And told me I was acting crazy for being upset. Yeah, I'm gonna be pissed if my boyfriend who tells me he loves me gives me an STD from a hostess at Chili's. It was super klassy.
Just be glad that she didn't work at Applebees. Your self esteem would have really been shot then. Holy hell, imagine if she worked at Waffle House?
I was constructing a long-winded reply addressing STIs in North America vs. throughout the world, but fuck it. Go ahead...
My family doctor basically said the same thing. As a doctor in a middle to upper middle class area he said he had never once seen an STD come through his office in the 17 years, at that point, he had his practice. That one in four number health class quoted always seemed like bullshit. But the scare tactics did it's job and turned me into a hypochondriac and I err on the side of caution anyway. Who wants the worst STD on earth, a baby?