I'm pretty excited about the weekend ahead of me. My buddy is having his bachelor party this weekend, and in about 3 hours I'll be arriving at our destination, a lake-house rented specifically for the ocasion. There'll be about 12 people there for the weekend, most of whom are police officers, firemen, & lawyers. For once I'm pretty confident we have all our bases covered no matter what kind of shit we may or may not find ourselves in! The only thing I'm a little apprehensive about is that due to the area we're going to the *ahem* entertainers may leave a little to be desired... Oh well, I'll still be drunk all weekend so whatever...as long as there's no pancake boobies...
I've been drinking non-stop since getting to VT for my friends wedding. I'm planning on going booze-less for a while once I get home. I think my body needs it.
Best liquor store I've ever been to was Frugal McDoogles in Tennessee. Closest we have here is Byron's liquor warehouse downtown. The place has like 5-6 full on supermarket checkout lanes, just for booze.
RIM shares dropped 20% today. Glad I bought a Droid. Google FTW. All y'all with these liquor warehouses can kiss my ass. Ontario's "Beer Store" and "LCBO" are such a damn joke.
I have to say, the idea of "upskirts", "nipslips", "hacked cell phone pics" and other pictures of naked celebrities who have no intention of appearing naked is kind of creepy. At what point did we decide that appearing in a film meant that your genitals were fair game? But fuck me, right? I still look out of curiosity. I'm not going to lie, I do my slacktivist cultural analysis AFTER clicking. Because I think that celebrities should have basic human rights, but I also wanna know what their breasts and penises and stuff look like.
No, the best line from that was definitely: "Ship to me from anywhere!" Can you picture this? After a long hunt, here in suburban Philadelphia, I hunt down a Jersey Tourist (they run wild here on the weekends). I then dutifully grab my trophy, and head to the UPS store. "Hi, I need to send this trophy to Chuck Testa." UPS: "GREAT! We have a pre-printed label, just use this box, if it fits, it ships!" "Good thing I went after the smallest Jersey Tourist I could find." That commercial is fucking gold, Cowbell.
Do you mean Bubblegum? I've had that, the rootbeer flavor and the coffee flavored variety. Three Olives isn't very good, it's gimmick vodka. Blink and it will be gone, like wine coolers and Zima. 'Course I said that about computers and movin' pictures also.
I . . . wha- that looks a lot like a mother-daughter thing going on there. I'm turned on and repulsed at the same time.
I am such a retard. I left the gas stove on while I went to class. It was on low and the flame went out because of the ceiling fan, so gas was just spewing out for around 4 hours. The bigger retard would be my brother though. He was home the whole time and didn't notice.
I just realized that it was about this time 5 years ago that I started lurking regularly on the TMMB. Didn't start posting for a couple months, but still... 5 years. That's just over a 5th of my life spent with you assholes! Guess all I have to say about that is... Cheers! To celebrate, here's some hot pics of bewildered she doesn't know I have.
1) Homemade cider! 2) The new season of Jersey Shore is the first (only?) time in history that a bunch of Americans are making Italians look like decent, moral, industrious, hard-working people. 3) Dear metoclopramide. START FUCKING WORKING. You're making me feel bad. 4) At least this homemade cider makes me forget about the metoclopramide.
Whatever, that kid looks like he's going to grow up to be a billionaire. Or a disgruntled computer nerd. Maybe both. Also... Match made in heaven? What are you up to tonight, bewildered, wanna come over to my mom's basement? That's where the Magic: The Gathering happens.
Nope, the flavor is bubble, I have no idea what that would taste like. I don't mind the gimick thing, it is as good as a mixing vodka as any. I am not much of a mixed drink type of person so when I do decide to hit the booze, I don't mind a bit of novelty.
Did I just see a smilie on TIB? I am appalled... I know someone who mixes that Bubbles vodka with grape soda. She is white, surprisingly..
Three Olives Rangtang and club soda is fucking delicious. My go to drink in hot weather. Since we're having our Member-Guest tournament this weekend, I actually have a Friday night off. Doubt I'll get smashed, but who knows? My football team is an awful kind of suck that I didn't think really existed, so I need something to help me forget that our team will probably lose to Austin Peay State this weekend. Yep, we're going for the goose egg this year.
Aw - girl, now you are talking my language. And here I was wondering what I should drink tonight. I wonder what it would taste like with fanta.
We recently got some 3 Olives Cake Vodka, our customers have yet to order it but the day bartender drinks it with OJ.